Chaos Is What Killed The Dinosaurs (JD x tiny reader)

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Context: You lived in a home of a single father and teenaged boy. They had moved in just recently but they seemed... off. The father enjoyed blowing things up and the son seemed to idolize it. He also seemed lonely, unloved. Despite everything you had been taught, you decided to talk to him. You found out that his name was JD and you actually became good friends. You thought that you were helping him heal and making him feel better. Yes he killed 3 people, and probably more, but you still thought that he was a good person and that he still had a chance. But then his love, Veronica, left him and he started spiralling again. He planned on blowing up his school.

You paced on JD's desk. He wouldn't actually kill Veronica right? You've heard him talk about her, he was absolutely head over heals for her. He wouldn't kill her, he just couldn't! She would convince him to stop this madness, right? You weren't able to get through to him, but she would. She just had to!

You heard footsteps approaching. He was back. JD opened the door and slammed it shut. You took a tentative step forward.


"Veronica's dead. Gonzo. Singing A Combaya with Heather!" he said frantically.

"You-you killed her?" You asked in shock.

"No, she hanged herself. I didn't think she would actually do it!" he laughed.

This was bad. This was very very bad. You thought JD had finally gone over the edge. He grabbed something from one of the drawers of the desk. He set the object down on the desk with a loud thud, making you fall over. He had took out a pack of thermals. You gasped in horror.

"JD you can't! All those innocent people!"

"This is what Veronica would've wanted! She wanted her high school to be a good place! There's only one place where different social types can get along, and that's in Heaven!"

"No! She wanted her high school to be a nicer place. You can't kill all of them, all her friends. Heather, Betty Finn, other Heather-"

"Heather Duke is just as bad as Heather Chandler. And if I kill her, another bitch will take her place. I have to break the cycle!"

"JD this is psychotic, I know you have this rebel complex-"

"What did you just say?" He snapped and quirked a brow at you.

You didn't like the way he was looking at you and you brought your knees to your chest.

"I know you want to be a-a rebel or-or whatever, but this is fucking psychotic. JD you can't kill all those people. All those kids!"

JD let out a small huff of laughter. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled. An absolutely chilling smile.

"That's what Veronica said. You know Y/N I don't think I ever realized how similar the two of you are. Were."

You scooted back. You didn't want to be afraid of him, but you knew what he could do when he was like this to other humans. You didn't even want to think of what he could do to you at this size... You stood up on shaky legs and tried again.

"But JD, this will only lead to heartbreak. Those kids's parents, friends, families! It will be absolute chaos."

JD sighed and turned away. He spent a minute staring out the window, then he turned back towards you with a gentle smile. He reached forward, placing his palm beside you. He had done this before, when he just needed a hug, so smiling you stepped on the leathery surface. You had finally gotten through to him.

At least that's what you thought, suddenly his fingers circled around your small body and tightened. You let out a gasp of pain. He had never held you like this. His grip was nearly bone crushing. You looked into his hazel eyes, but that wasn't the Jason Dean you knew and loved.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs darling." He smirked.

He placed you into the hamster cage he had laying on the desk and began tinkering with the pack of thermals.

Hey so I finally updated with a story yay! And please don't get mad, I love JD and I'd marry him if he weren't fictional and if I wasn't already committed to someone else, but I felt like some angst so yeah. Don't worry tho, this book still has plenty of room for some JD fluff :)

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