Self Care, B*tch! (Janus x tiny reader)

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So basically I am really, REALLY bad at taking care of myself, so here's me projecting onto Jan. And idk hopefully it helps someone else with self care and self love :)
Also I needed one quick boost of motivation before I started on the requests

Small TW for implied mental illness and PTSD

They sat there, curled up in a tight ball in their makeshift bed. They squinted as the sun filtered in through the massive window. It was Patton who recommended leaving it by the window, something about needing more fresh air and vitamine D.

They turned over, curling up further as their stomach growled. It was nearly 3 in the afternoon and they hadn't eaten anything yet. Well they didn't really do anything yet. God they were going to be so behind on school and projects. And they promised they would call their friends but they didn't and now they probably hate them and—

"Hey, are you alright?" a smooth voice asked from above.

They flinched instinctively, before remembering where they were. They sighed as they turned to look up at him, offering a small smile and relaxing their muscles. Or, trying to.

"Oh, my apologies," Janus said with a frown. "I shouldn't have—"

"No no no I'm sorry! You're fine," they reassured. They hated making Patton and Janus feel bad. Especially since it wasn't either of their faults. If anything it was their fault.

Janus' sighed softly as he lowered himself to be more at eye level with them.

"You know you have nothing to be sorry about."

They nodded, not really believing it.

"But, you still didn't answer my question," he continued sternly.

"Your question about me being alright? Of course I am. It's... not a great day but—"

"Have you eaten anything today?" Janus asked.

When they didn't answer, he continued, getting slightly frustrated.

"Have you had anything to drink?" they still didn't answer. "Brushed your teeth? Washed up? Have you even gotten out of bed yet?"

They just shrugged and slumped back in the bed, pulling the sheets over their head. "M haven't gotten round to it yet," they mumbled.

They heard a long sigh from above, before their blanket got whisked away from them.

"Hey!" they snapped as they sat up.

Janus looked almost smug as he held their blanket overhead. "Now I know Patton's been taking a soft approach, coddling you day and night—"

"He doesn't coddle me."

"But he's not here at the moment, so that means it's my turn," he smirked. "Now come along, I need to get you some breakfast. Or, lunch, I suppose," he said as he set his hand flat out next to you.

"I'm not hungry."


"Look I had a lot to eat yesterday so..."

"Right because it definitely matters what you ate yesterday. I mean it's not like your body needs food every day to function or anything."

They sent him a deadpan expression and he chuckled slightly.

"But in all seriousness, I know how difficult it is to treat our bodies with respect. Well not me personally of course," he smirked, and earned a small eye roll and smile from them. "But, regardless of how much you love or dislike your body, it's really just a vessel for you as a person. Think of eating and drinking as way to keep yourself healthy, not just your body."

"But what if I don't deserve to be healthy?"

"That is, and I don't say this lightly, the most idiotic thing I've ever heard," he tsked. "Of course you deserve to be healthy! In fact it's not even something one has to deserve."

"I guess not," they sighed. "But look, I'm tired and I just want to go to sleep."

"How about a deal then?" Janus asked, his smirk reappearing on his face. "You let me feed you and get you a bath ready, and I won't bother you for the rest of the day."

"... and if I don't want to do that?" they questioned as they lifted an unimpressed brow, already knowing what he was going to say.

"Then I keep your blanket and play Cabaret until you agree," he said as his smirk somehow grew.

"Ughhh fine! You are the worst," they groaned as they slid into the palm of his gloved hand.

"Oh I know it keeps me up at night," he fake pouted as he brought them to sit at the counter.

He gave them some cut up fruit and yogurt, and water and tiny cup of tea. They actually finished it, and Janus seemed proud. They felt like a child, having to be waited on and guided into having a proper meal. They wished it didn't have to be a whole thing to do something so normal.

"Here, have a little more water while I go draw your bath," he instructed as he handed them another thimble of water. They accepted it with thanks and waited for his return.

He was gone a while, actually. They finished the thimble and were almost thirsty again when he came back.

"Apologies," he said, as though that cleared everything up.

"Uh, it's fine," they shook it off.

He offered them his hand and they carefully stepped in. He held them against his chest as he brought them to the bathroom. They flipped on the lights and they gasped. The bathroom had been decorated. The sink, filled ti the brim with hot water and bubble bath, the counter covered at random with rose petals, and several candles were lit and sat on the closed toilet seat.

"Oh Jan I... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted hygiene to seem more desirable," he smiled softly. "I'll set you down here, and you can call me when you're done, alright?"

They nodded and he gently placed them on the counter. He left them alone to strip and they slipped into the warm water. They sighed in content, feeling their sore and weary muscles finally relax. Ok, maybe self care wasn't that bad. Maybe, since Janus seemed so adamant about it, they did deserve ti take care of them self every now and again.

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