Good Girl

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Max was convinced his house was haunted.

He kept hearing scratches in the walls, his things were going missing and his dog kept barking at nothing. He was this close to calling a priest and dousing his house with holy water, when he finally caught the culprit. Or rather his great dane did.


"Daisy! Get your paws off the counter." Max scolded from the living room.

Daisy didn't move. She only barked at Max. Though her bark was slightly quieter, as if she didn't want to make too much noise. Max sighed. He had already taken his shirt off and was ready to wind down. He ran a hand through his curly red hair and grabbed Daisy by the collar and pulled her away from the counter.

Max let out a gasp once her paws were off, revealing a small shaking form. He stood there for a moment, staring at the small creature. It looked so human. Max hesitantly poked the little human in the back. It let out a yelp and unfurled itself. Max's jaw dropped. It — no, he, was beautiful.

He had messy brown hair, pale skin and wide green eyes. His loose clothes revealed a lean muscular body littered with freckles. Max smiled softly at him.

"Hey." he whispered.

Despite speaking softly, the small young man flinched.

"Hey it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." Max continued.

The small man's eyes glanced at Daisy, who's snout had made its way back onto the counter. Maw noticed the unease of the small man, so he gently pushed Daisy's face off the counter.

"Don't worry about her, she won't hurt you. Right girl?"

Daisy licked Max's hand in response. The small man let out a light chuckle. Max cooed softly, admiring how adorable he has.

"Do you have a name little guy?" Max asked.

He bit his lip slightly before answering.

"Samuel." He said, so softly that Max had hardly heard him.

"I'm Max. It's nice to meet you Samuel."

Max noticed the open outlet plug hanging slightly open behind Samuel. That's when Max realized that he lived in the walls, and he was the one taking some of his things. He was so glad it wasn't a ghost, but an adorable little person.

"Hey it's getting late, and I can't imagine the walls are all that comfortable. Would you want to sleep with me tonight?" Max asked hopefully.

Samuel looked taken aback for a moment.

"I mean only if you want to! It's just... I was in a bad breakup recently and, the nights have been colder." Max said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Samuel's face turned a bright red.

"No I'd like too. The walls can get cold too." He smiled shyly.

Max gently scooped Samuel up and cupped him against his bare chest. His heart was fluttering, and he just hoped Samuel didn't notice. Daisy followed Max up until he entered the bedroom. She gently nudged Max in the stomach with her head, almost as if saying good luck. She was one hell of a wingman.

Max climbed into bed and set Samuel down on the pillow beside his head.

"Sweet dreams." He whispered and closed his eyes.

Not long after, he felt a small weight on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw that Samuel had inches over, and climbed onto his chest. He had curled up on himself, his chest rising and falling in time with Max's. Max bit his lip to stop himself gushing over how adorably cute he looked. He cupped his hand on top of Samuel and fell asleep.

I'm in a super great mood today cause one of my friends got me skip the dishes Tim Hortons! I'm literally happy crying right now while eating birthday cake timbits

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