The Visit (A Giant Mountain)

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A/N: If you haven't read "A Giant Mountain" then this story will make literally no sense, you have been warned

I grabbed my bag and hopped out of Margaret's car.

"Do you really want to spend the whole day here?" Margaret asked.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's just that I haven't seen my dad in a month. Sorry if I want to spend an entire day with him," I retorted.

She bit her lip apologetically.

"You're right, I'm sorry. Anyways, I'm off to interview some possible foster families for you, are there any conditions you want to set?"

"Yeah, they have to live close to here. Not more than half an hour away from the hospital,"

She smiled and drove off. It's been a little over a month of living with Margaret and things were going well. She decided that it was time that I get set up in with an actual foster family, and I wasn't too sure how to feel about it. It would be nice to have a family again, but it just wouldn't be the same. I walked into the hospital, signed into the front desk and went to my dad's room.

I stayed with him for most of the day, but after lunch I signed out and headed for the mountain. I had a boyfriend to meet.

Nathaniel and I had made an arrangement: at the end of every month, I would visit my dad for half the day and then I'd go see Nathaniel. I wish I could go see him more often, I really did, but Margaret would surely get suspicious.

The winds started getting colder and I had to pull the strings around my hood tight. It was only September and it was close to freezing. That's Alberta for ya.

It took me a couple hours to get to the clearing. The one where Nathaniel and I had first met. I didn't see him, so I had assumed that he wasn't here yet. I was about to text him when I felt a pinch at the back of hoodie and I was whisked into the air. I yelped and nearly dropped my phone. Then I was met with a smirking face and two big hazel eyes. How I managed to miss my 80 foot boyfriend leaning on a few trees is a mystery to me.

"Hey tiny, I missed you," Nathaniel cooed as he pressed me against his chest.

I leaned into his warmth and smiled.

"I missed you too,"

He kissed the top of my head and I felt myself turn red. He pulled me away from his chest so that we were looking into each other's eyes again. I know that sounds really sappy... but I loved every minute of it. I leaned back into his cupped hands and we talked the afternoon away.

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