21- baby shower?

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"Jan is about to have a baby with a sperm donor." I pointed to the family tree I had drawn on the whiteboard next to me. "And Michael is preparing for the birth of a watermelon with Dwight." I gestured to the seperate family tree to the left. "Now, this baby will be related to Michael through..." I drew a question mark in between the two unconnected 'trees' "delusion."


"Michael! My water's breaking!" Dwight screames, as he poured a cup of water into a trash can he was hovering over... directly. next. to. my. desk. Michael ran out of his office hysterically.

"Oh, OK! OK!"

"Aaaaaaaa! What do you do? What do you do?" Dwight screamed, I was getting a headache. (Y/n) walked past them, sitting in Dwights desk chair and leaning over.

"I'll give you a hundred dollars right now if you can make them shut up." She sighed.

"I'll gove you two-hundred to do the same." I replied, she laughed.

"No. OK, no. I'm crowning! I'm crowning! Aaaaaaaa!" Dwight screamed, pushing Michael aside and running into his office

"All right, oK. Here we go. Here we go!" Michael seemed to be in severe streess considering there wasn't an actual birth happening.

"The pressure! The pressure!" Dwight yelled.

"Do it! Do it! Scream! Scream it out, scream it out, scream it out." Michael coached.

"Aaaaaaaa!" Dwight screamed causing me to wince, I looked over at (Y/n) who was cringing, her head in her hands.

"Aaaaaaaa!"Michael yelled back.


I was in the middle of tying together a set of ballons with some ribbons when Michael walked in.

"Hello, lovely lady. How is my shower going?" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"It's going fine michael, once I put these ballons up I'll be pretty much finished." He frowned, spinning around, looking at the room.

"This is it? I'm assuming the live storks I requested are on the way or..." He trailed off and I gave him a 'really?' look.

"Michael you gave me 20 bucks. This is the best I could do."

"Yeah, 20 bucks to add to what was already covered by the company, duh!" I tilted my head, squinting at him.

"Dunder-Mifflin isn't paying for this!" His face fell, and he looked angry.

"What! Why not? My girlfriend, the Bosses girlfriend is pregnant! Are you saying that we don't support employees having kids because I checked and thats policy!" I stared at him then brought my fingers to the bridge of my jose with a sigh. I had an internal battle with myself before throwing my hands up.

"Fine, since no one else is willing to say it I am. It's not your baby. You and Jan aren't even married and from how she and you talk it dosen't sound like you two are even in a real relationship. You don't live together, you hate being with each other, if she wanted you to be the father of her child you would have." He looked at me shocked, I wasn't sure if the others had heard what I had said, we were in the conference room with the blinds closed but the door was open.

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