14- Night make'Out'

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We arrived at 'Perogative' to find it packed. Michael led us around looking for Ryan, spotting him we made our way over tapping on Ryans shoulder. I didn't see (Y/n) anywhere.

"Michael?" Ryan asked shocked.

"Heyy" Michael looked down shyly.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan looked around him. Where was (Y/n)?

"Well, you know, just taking you up on your offer to party. So, ta-da!" Michael grinned.

"That is so awesome man!" Ryans face broke out in a huge grin and he jumped pulling Michael into a strong hug. He pulled back and faced me. "And you brought this guy!" I looked down at him in confusion as he brought me into an embrace.

"Ryan it's Michael and Dwight." Michael clarified.

"I know it's you guys! I am so psyched your here! Wooo" He yelled hugging both of us again.

"Okay easy there Ry." Someone pulls Ryan off of me.

"No no no! (y/n) look!" He points to us and I see it was (Y/n) who pulled ryan off of me. Good, I was worried for a second.

"Oh, uh, Hi michael, hey Dwight... what are you guys..."

"Were here to party. " I spoke smirking.

"Okay! Um, Ryan here is your drink." She says handing Ryan a beer, and keeping one for herself.

"Oh are you like, dating?" Michael asked eyes wide, didn't he just try to hit on her the other day?

"No! She's like my sister man! My sister who i'm gonna get a man for tonight! Woo!" Ryan says. (Y/n) looks over at us and shakes her head smiling uncomfortably.


Oh dear god he was here. My brain wasn't functioning properly it seemed. I had spent the majority of my night thinking of how I would rather be out with him than these drunks Ryan kept trying to set me up with and then he just shows up. My hero.

I looked up at Dwight with a smirk, he grinned back down at me. This night just got a whole lot better.


"Guys, I want you to meet a really good friend of mine, this is Troy." I rolled my eyes as Ryan introduced them to Troy. I hated Troy. 

"Hey, nice to meet you." Michael greeted.

"Hey, how ya doing?" Troy said nodding.

"Hey, Dwight. You resemble a Tolkien character." I gave him a strange look wondering what he meant.

"Ah, he basically is man. He's a regular banking wizard." Ryan hyped him up. I swear sometimes Ryan is so gay.

"No, no, no. Not a wizard, a hobbit." My eyes widened and I burst out laughing, pressing both hands over my mouth to try to stop myself. I saw Troy glaring at me.

"You know about Lord of the Rings?" Dwight questioned. I looked up at him wiping my eyes.

"Of course. It's not my favorite franchise but its a good one." I couldn't help but get caught up in his eys as they seemed to shine with happiness. I wonder how he feels about Star Wars?

"Bottle service ya'll?" Ryan offered. 

"Oh ok, all I know is I would like some chicken fingers and a Midori Sour." Michael began getting excited.

"We don't serve food here." The waitress stared at him as if he had two heads, I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the conversation, me and Dwight had begun to walk towards a set of couches as we discussed LotR. 

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