11- Dinner... Party?

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I began to pack up my things as Michael was being yelled at by (Y/n).

"Michael, you can't just make up assignments from corporate! It makes us look bad." (Y/n) reasoned as Michael looked down at his feet. 

"But it made me look good..." She sighed placing her head in her hand. I took the oppurtunity to ask Michael a question.

"Michael, what time should I be arriving?" he looked up at me wincing.

"Dwight, it's couples only. And besides, I only have six wine glasses, so it will be me and Jan, and Pam and Jim, and Angela and Andy." Michael explained as my face fell.

"Hey-o!" Andy yelled. I looked down upset as they all walked out, leaving me and (Y/n) alone. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see (Y/n) giving me a smile.

"It's okay, Dwight. It's most likely Jan not letting him invite you." She reasurred. I nodded still upset.

"I still want to go though, I have wine glasses I could bring..." I reasoned.

"Yeah... but you don't have a date." She said sympathy in her voice. I looked up to see her soft (e/c) eyes on me.

"But, maybe I do..."


I grumbled to myself as I put eyeshadow on. How did I let him talk me into this?


"But, maybe I do..." Dwight grinned.

"What are you implying?" I rose a brow skeptically.

"Please go to Michaels dinner party with me? Pleaseee?" He pleaded taking ahold of my hand.

"Oh no you don't! I'm not going just to be your ticket in!" I argued.

"Please (n/n), it would mean the world to me!" He now had ahold of both my hands and held them to his chest.

"I don't know Dwight..." I realized I was beginning to give but it was over for me all to quickly when he begged with those beautiful blue orbs of his. I groaned.

"Please (Y/n)? Please be my date to Michael's dinner party?" He continued and I could see the longing in his eyes.

"Hngggg FINE!" I relented, he cheered and then pulled me into a hug, spinning me. He set me down and turned to grab his stuff.

"I'll pick you up at 7! Text me your address." He waved goodbye, as I stood there blushing.

<End flashback>

Oh yeah, that's how. I giggled. I began working on my other eye when I felt a soft mass brush against my leg. I looked down as Grabage weaved his way between my legs. He had become a perfect little house pet (besides eating garbage of course) and had taken to hanging around me no matter where I was in the house.

"Can't you see i'm busy Garbo?" I giggled as he Meowed in response. I put down the eyeshadow brush and picked up my mascara. I wasn't putting on heavy makeup, but enough for a date. At least that's what I was imagining this was since my realization that I had a huge crush on Dwight. I hadn't let anybody know but the cameras and they swore they wouldn't tell a soul.

I looke at my face in the mirror and smiled lightly, I knew how to clean up if anything. I was happy to wear my hair down as well, I never really got to anymore at work beacuse every time I did I was met with catcalls and inappropriate jokes. I mean, come on! It was hair! Men.

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