26- Are you alright, Michael? (no)

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I self-admittidly was ECSTATIC Toby was back. No more dealing with HR stuff, less paperwork for me to fill out, plus I get to buy some brownies for everyone as a 'welcome back' treat. Angela was nagging at Kevin for eating a bunch when Pam changed the subject, asking her why she wasn't eating.

"Oh, I ate so many already when no one was looking." Angela feigned before Andy started to laugh.

"Yeah, right; my baby's dieting. She wants to fit into a special child-size wedding gown for our big day." He wrapped an arm around her and grabbed a brownie.

"Why do those exist?" Jim asked. I had decided to promptly ignore any and all conversation because I was A. an absolute chocoholic, B. on my period and craving sugar, and C. I made these brownies myself which made them THE BEST. Had I kept a batch at home for myself? Obviously, but that didn't mean I wasnt gonna eat any of the ones I brought here.

"It's from my pageant days. I was 'Miss Tiny Mid-Antlantic Bride' when I was 10. Probably heard of it." I managed to zone out to such a degree I hadn't even noticed Dwight walk in until he insults me.

"Brownies is it? Hm. Pastry cubes made of sugar and fat? No thank you, I'll stick with my jerkie."

"And you wil eat your salty nonsense and not insult my god-given creations somewhere else." He gave me a bewildered look as I took a bite of a brownie and closed my eyes in pleasure.

"I thought you were gonna make cookies at some point?"

"I'm gonna just not right now."

"Because you know your wrong?"

"Watch it Schrute, you've already insulted my brownies don't start with my cookies.

"Wait, you made these?" I was about to respond when michael came around the corner and gasped in shock.

"Oh brownies! I'm taking two so I can parcel them up and eat them at my leisure later on, much healthier."

"You're taking two?" Ryan asked as Kelly prepared her plate.

"Yeah, um, but one of them is for Toby."

"Yeah why don't you send that to him in Costa Rica?" Michael snickered.

"Um, I'm just gonna hand it to him right now." She gave him a confused look and I slowly turned to look at him. He... knew Toby was back... right?

"Heh, okay, weirdo."

"Why is that, why is that weird?" I asked.

"She said she was going to give it to him right now. " He replied with a laugh as he began to cut up his brownies.

"She's probably going to, cause they sit next to each other."

"Yeah, they used to." Oh no...

"Toby works here again." I stated.

"Oh, can you imagine?" 

"You actually don't know." I stared at him bewildered.

"I don't know... what?"

"You should probably just meander back there; take a look. See if he's, see if he's back." Jim offered.

"Hmmm, dare I?" he laughed "You know what? I'm going to, for old time's sake." We stared after him as he left, a moment of silence followed and I was just about to say something when...

"NOOOO! GOD! No, God, please no! No! No! NOOO!"

"I blame the three of you. This is your fault." I sat in Michaels office with Dwight and Pam, still dumfounded, brownie still in hand.

"Michael, we were all talking about this, and we don't understand how you didn't realize Toby was back." Pam explained with a worried look.

"I'm concerned you may have brain damage."

"You cannot expect me to keep track of all of my personnel." He argued. "There are a lot of people here and a lot of different shapes and sizes; and there is nothing" His face twisted in disgust as he pointed towards the annex. "that is even vaguely interesting about the way he looks. So, i'm off the hook."

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