6- To Infinity and the Office!

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"Hey Toby. What's this?" I held up the memo that was CLEARLY directed at me! Stupid ginger can't keep his nose to himself.


"I just want to remind everyone about the company rules involving PDA or public displays of affection." Whatever that means.

"Yes, uh some people in the office have complained..."

"Oh really." Who did this HR nerd think he was!

"...about some other people engaging in PDA and, you know" I leaned closer to him getting angrier the more his mouth flapped. "I just wanted to remind it's not appropriate to, to do that."

"Is this about me and Jan? In my office? Because I will have you know that that was consensual. What we did has nothing to do with you or anyone here. I don't think. I don't think anyone heard anything. We were very discreet and, and most people had left by that point."


Unfortunately I was usually the last one to leave. Early to work and late to leave makes a girl want to pull out her teeth.

"So I don't think it's any of your business. What I think you should do is roll up the memo, real tight." Michael was cut off by Toby trying to explain.

"Ok, look the memo is not about you..." Toby was cut off once more.

"For the record, I have never been involved with anyone at work, in any capacity." Angela piped up. Thats not suspicious at all. I wonder who it was though, she seems like a drag.

"Alright everyone, look, it, alright my complaint was about Jim and Pam. So..." Everyone looked over at the two.

"No way." Michael stood frozen.

"What?" Dwight sat confused.

"You guys are together?" Everyone desperately awaited an answer.

"Ummm... yup. Yes, we are." Jim replied.

"Woooah! Wow!" Michael began freaking out.

"Tuna!" Andy exclaimed. Why did he call him that?

"Congrats!" I beamed.

"I knew it!" Kevin yelled to Oscar who just nodded.

"You guys! Yes! Yes!" Okay, Michael was overdoing it a bit.

"Toby, was this your fun little way of congratulating us?" Pam smiled.

"Yes." Toby didn't seem like he meant it though.

"Oh kay, mind is exploding. Get over here. Come on. Come here. Okay, okay," I didn't know what he was doing but he needed Jim standing for some reason. Jim just moved his chair closer though. "OK, here we go.Everyone, this is a day that will live in infamy. Because today, is the day that Jim and Pam become one." 

"Actually, we've been dating for a couple months." Jim stated.

"I love you guys, so much." Michael then leaned down hugging Jim tightly.

"Ohh.." Michael tried to go for Pam and she hastily backed away.

"Phone's ringing."



"I don't see it. I think they both could do better


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