16- Job Un'fair'

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"Hey, are we doing this thing?" I looked up as Darryl walked in, in a suit. Michael turned as well, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.


"Oh my God, Darryl, you look like Barack Obama. Everybody I'm dating Barack Obama!" Kelly screeched making me grimace.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Michael looked him over.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like you're applying for a loan." Michael groaned.

"Maybe he's going to church. Or court." I thought aloud.

"Figured I look presentable." He looked over at Michael "You... went a different way."

"I think you look nice." Pam commented.

"Thank you." Michael and Darryl replied simultaneously.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do: I'm going to instruct the kids about management..." I tuned out watching (Y/n) who was leaning against her doorframe. She watched poker-faced as Michael laid out his plans. I sighed, she was extremely mad at me. In all honesty I think I deserved it though, I kind of played with her feelings. She suddenly looked over at me and frowned, before turning and heading into her office. 

"Let's go!" Michael yelled, I looked over as they left and then looked back at the (Y/n)'s empty office doorframe. This was going to be a long day.



"Yes I'm a bit mad at Dwight. How would you feel if someone you liked wanted to fuck but didn't want to "define the relationship"?" I questioned using air-quotes.


I sat at my desk going over some paperwork, Michael had asked me to go over our party budget because he was planning a huge welcome party for the new interns he was going to get today. I sighed, looking around the room. My 'going over' the budget was me staring at the sheet of paper that said how much money was left for such things. 

As I looked around I noticed some of the workers talking in a group. I raised an eyebrow wondering if I should investigate when suddenly Stanley began to pack up his things. I jumped up, walking out of my office angrily.

"And just where do you think your going?" Everyone turned to me, I noticed Dwight's face light up and he ran over.

"(Y/n)! Great timing, they were trying to leave because Michaels gone!" I rolled my eyes 

"We don't need to stay here if the boss is gone." Meridith reasoned.

"You make a good point, luckily i'm still here, get back to work." I turned, going back into my office. 


I stared after her in awe, the way she takes control of things always amazes me. Everyone grumbled and went back to their desks but I stayed standing there, watching her leave. I need to apologize...

Eventually, I turned around and walked back to my desk, I don't think she would let me talk to her right now.


It was awhile later and (Y/n) was talking with Meridith about something. I watched as she nodded and Meridith talked, gesturing behind her. I scooted my chair closer listening carefully.

"... If I can't get any work done, why should I stay?" I rose a brow as (Y/n) nodded thoughtfully.

"I understand what you mean, but honestly when Michaels away is when everybody gets the most work done." She smirked, as Meridith laughed.

"You got that right, sister! But half the office is gone anyway." 

"Doing business and getting paid for it." (Y/n) reasoned, pointing with her finger.

"Yeah, but golfing and talking to kids is basically a day off!" Meridith whined.

"I'm concerned about what you do with your day's off." (Y/n) laughed lightly, as Meridth joined in. I smiled watching her enjoy herself, completely in her element. 

"C'mon, while the Boss is away, the mice will play..." Meridith smirked. (Y/n) sighed crossing her arms and placing her head in her hand.

"That's not the expression." Meridith pleaded with her eyes as (Y/n) thought it over, she wouldn't really let them leave and get paid for it would she? "I'll think about it, alright?"

"Yes! Thank you so much!" Meridith reached to hug her.

"Hey! I never said yes!" (Y/n) backed up putting her hands out. I sighed, knowing I messed up. Unfortunately, I sighed rather loudly. (Y/n) looked over at me and frowned.

"What are you doing?" My eyes widened as I backed up.



You've got to be kidding me, was he staring at me the whole time? I was trying to avoid him at all costs. I knew if he asked I would forgive him, especially with the way he looked at me. I sighed angrily, turning and walking back towards my office.

"(Y/n)! Wait." He hopped up, following me.

"What?!" I snapped, entering my office and taking a seat.

"We... need to talk." He bit his lip, standing at my dorway. Damn him!

"Fine." I gritted out. He pulled the door to and sat across from me.

"So...I'm sorry." I rose an eyebrow. "Look, you respected that I didn't wanta relationship yet so I should of respected that you do."

"Yeah..." I knew, I knew I knew it! I'm giving in like a dumbass! I feel like I'm over-reacting though... "Yeah, I guess your right, it's just... I thought you liked me." I looked away, not able to meet his gaze. I fee like a damn Highschooler!

"But I do!" He got up and walked around the desk. "I do like you! I just..." He trailed off.

"Just what?" I stared at my desk, suddenly finding it very interesting.

"I just... I don't want to be in a relationship right now, but I like you so... I guess I just thought I could be with you without... being with you." I looked up at him, and sighed. He was clearly sincere, and he did seem to care about me.

"Look, I..." I paused thinking over what I was about to say "...overreacted. We need to talk if were going to work anything out and I was just mad." He smiled softly.

"Yeah, I don't want to put a title on this... thing, we have, and if that means taking things slow then, I'll wait." He cupped my cheek, and I sighed. Then a knock interrupted our tender moment.

"Come in." Dwight pulled away as Creed entered.

"Hey, shortcake." I grimaced "So, I heard were allowed to leave for the day?" 


AN: Published 08/21/2020, 1123 words. I don't know why, but this chapters ending was super hard to write, I redid it like 3 times. Also i've been watching so much JJBA that on multiple occasions I wrote Dio instead of Dwight XD.

P.S. If you like JJBA, let me know if you think it would be a good idea to write a Dio fanfic.

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