17- Goodbye Sanity (oh and also Toby)

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"Hello, this is Dwight Schrute." I picked up my phone but it continued to ring. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Dwight." My head whipped over as Jim talked into his headset.

"Hello? Hello?" I tried on the phone.

"Yes, we do have that. Hold on one second..." He continued.

"Jim, what are you doing?"

"And how many would you like?" Oh no, he was NOT taking my sales.

"Uh, uh, hang that up right now. Ha-" I tried.

"Absolutely. We can get that out to you immediately." I leaned over speaking into the headset.

"This man is an imposter! Do not do business with him! This is not Dwight Schrute!" 


I sighed as my phone began to ring again. "K, fine. I'll just let it go to voicemail."

"Hello, this is Dwight." Jim said pressing a button on his headset. I paused annoyed. "Yes it is." JIm continued.

"Oh my goodness, you sound sexy." I glanced over at Pam on the phones.

"Oh, thank you. I've been working out." Jim replied. Shit she thinks its me!

"Woah, woah, woah, Pam!"

"Have you?" She continued.

"Pam! You are not talking to Dwight right now. You are talking to Jim." I said waving my arms.

"Dwight?" She asked into the phone.

"No! Pam, I'm over here!" I yelled.

"I'm confused..." Ugh. Some people were idiots.

"Disconnect that right now. You give me your earpiece." I demanded, he just looked up at me.

"Can't do that. Unsanitary." I tried to reach for it but he turned away.

"Ugh! Okay, you know what? Fine. I will reprogram my phone to go to my office phone." I pressed a few buttons on my phone. 'Done." My phone then started to ring.

"This is Dwight. Oh, hello Mater. Good news: I've married. Tell Fater." My eyes widened as he hung up the phone "Such a nice woman." Damn it, Jim! I stood up, storming off to go find (Y/n).


I grinned watching as he immediately stormed off to (Y/n)'s office. I jumoed up, running to Pam.

"Do you see where he's going?" She looked around me and nodded.

"Sure, to (Y/n)'s office." I was practically jumping with excitement.

"So that proves my theory! He totally likes her!!" She frowned at me.

"He's probably going to complain about you, Jim." 

"Nope, that's Tobys job!" I grinned further.

"Yeah but it's his last day, he's not really doing anything." My face fell. If I was going to prove my theory to Pam I would have to have concrete evidence. I walked back to my desk thinking up ways to catch them, they had to be together.


I glanced up as Dwight stormed into my office, slamming the door.


"Jim." He flopped into a chair, burying his face in his arms, as he laid on my desk. I reached around placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay Dwight. Just ignore him." He looked uo at me frowning.

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