4- The 'i'm so done' run

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AN: So, for the sake of the story, where going to say 'fun run' happens a little later because I want to include it, but it mentions Michael JUST not getting the job so... sorry. Please don't hate me.


I ate cereal as the cameras watched me. I smiled up at them, it was so nice they cared about me to come to my condo super early and check up on me.

"Jan made me breakfast this morning, well she bought the milk, it's soy." I looked down on it happily. "Taste is a bit odd but Jan says I'll get used to it." I got up excited leading them to my bedroom.

"This is why I do it." I pointed to my bed where Jan was resting. "This is what I have to come home to. She probably won't be up for a few hours" I grinned as they nodded. I finished getting ready and then hoped in my car, one of the cameramen joining me. As we approached Dunder-Mifflin he asked me how I thought the branch would do in the coming months.

"This is gonna be a very good year, very good. Jan is at home, Jim is back, my prodigy Ryan is at corporate, and I have a hot new party planner working under me." I snorted at the last part. Working under me, ha. I then realized I shouldn't say that and changed the subject a bit.

"Good stuff, Andy and Dwight are rocking the sales team." I looked over at the Camera pulling in. "I feel very blessed"




I had sent in the IT guy to help Pam because her computer was glitching somehow. I was currently in my office going over some of the problems I would have to address if they continued. Meredith coming in drunk was my top priority right now, since I had recently heard she kept bottles at her desk which is a serious offence.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the camera crew asking for one of their interviews.


"Oh? Was that a question? I just assumed they were dating, and everyone already knew."


As I walked out of the conference room Michael walked into the office looking distressed. I crossed my arms; he was about an hour late.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some bad news. Meredith was hit by a car." My eyes widened shocked as everyone began to question what happened. "It happened this morning in the parking lot, I took her to the hospital and the doctors tried to save her life, they did the best that they could." My mouth was wide open. Oh my god I was just thinking about punishing her for her issues. "And she is going to be ok." My shock snapped to anger in record time.

"What is wrong with you." Stanley questioned from the back.

"Why the hell did you phrase it like that?" I added annoyed as hell. He looked down.

"So, she's really going to be fine?" Oscar questioned calmer than me and Stanley.

"Yes, she has a slight pelvical fracture, but people have survived much worse." Was this normal, did Michael make these weird announcements all the time. At this point I was doubting this even happened.

"Thank god you were there." Pam added.


"Did you see who did it?" Andy looked pale.

"No need, I can check the security tapes." Dwight commented standing up.

"No, you can't." I commented

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