2- Introductions

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Driving into the parking lot I double check the address Ryan gave me. This is the place! It's a Friday and technically my first day isn't until Monday but I wanted to get a head start and let the manager know what was happening since Ryan said it was up to me to tell him. Walking in with my satchel slung on my shoulder I'm greeted with a security guard at the front desk.

"Hi, I'm (y/n)! Can you please direct me to Dunder Mifflin."? He raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, I'm Hank it's the 3rd floor at the end of the hall." He had a slow voice that reminded me of where I used to live in Florida.

"Thank you so much, it was great meeting you Hank!" I say placing a hand on his desk before turning to the stairs across from me.

"Yeah... you too." Jogging up the stairs I'm greeted with a... camera crew?

"Um, hi?" I say puzzled

"Are you here for Dunder Mifflin?" One of them asks.

"Yeah, I'm their new Office Manager." I say puzzled. They looked shocked.

"Your replacing Michael?" I smile waving my hands and shaking my head.

"No no no, I'm here to manage the offices productivity." I say, they look... relieved? Disappointed? I couldn't really tell. They then fitted me with a mic pack and explained that they have been and will be filming the office for a documentary.

"Okay, kinda wish Ryan told me about that but what are you gonna do." I said shrugging my shoulders. Opening the door to the office I immediately walked over to the receptionist who was typing away at her computer.

"Hi, I'm (y/n)!" I said causing her to look up.

"Oh! Hi, I'm Pam, how can I help you?" She said politely, she seemed much nicer than the receptionist in New York.

"I'm here to see a Michael Scott. He's in, right?" Ryan told me he was away from the office way too much.

"Yes, he is. Just follow me please." She said getting up and leading me to his office. "Michael you have a guest." She said gesturing to me before leaving.

"Oh, wow" he said looking up at me. "Well, what do I owe the pleasure to this tall glass of water?" I blushed expecting this "I mean it isn't my birthday who ordered the stripper." I looked down uncomfortable. "Better close the blinds for this o-"

"Michael I'm form corporate"


"Ryan told me if you don't stop him, he'll keep going until he exhausts himself."


He looked shocked to say the least.

"Um yeah just ah close the door and have a seat." I did so and waited for him to speak. "Um, how can I help you?"

"Well I've been sent here by corporate to become your personal Office Manager." I said gauging his reaction.

"Um well that can't work because I'm this offices Manager." He said pressing his lips against his finger.

"Well technically you're the Regional Manager but I'm not here to take your job Michael I'm here to streamline this branches productivity.

"Oh! So, um who sent you." he asked uncertainly

"Ryan Howard the new VP. He worked here before and wanted to have a little special attention put on this branch." I had learned when I was younger how to make things sound better than they were.

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