22- First aid, second aid, crime aid

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"That's for you. And, um, oh. I am right in assuming that Dwight is short for D-Money. 'Cause that's what I wrote on your save-the-date." Andy said handing out invitations for his and Angela's wedding. I was going over some files with Jim at his desk while Dwight sat in shock.

"You set a date?" He looked over at Angela and I rolled my eyes going back to helping Jim.

"J-Money. Or should it be T-Money, for Tuna? Receptionist Money. (F/L) Money." I accepted it, raising an eyebrow. Not long after, I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink seeing Dwight carving a knife. I sighed.

"Are you really making a knife out of Oak?" He glared up at me.

"Yeah. What of it?"

"Common Dwight, I figured you'd know most hardwood isn't good for carving, use Basswood or something." I opened the fridge, leaning in and grabbing a Gatorade.

"I want this knife to work, hence the use of HARDwood." I rolled my eyes closing the fridge door a little too hard.

"Look, don't take it out on me, cause you're pissy about your fuckbuddy getting married."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He kept his eyes down on his knife, avoiding my glare.

"Well, the Cameras do, and they ARE making a show here so whatever." I said shrugging. "The drama will be fun to watch played back, I'm sure Andy will love seeing it when it comes out." I said walking out and back to my office.


Later I was looking through some papers at my desk, eating lunch when Dwight barged in closing the door and locking it.

"Um, hi?" I asked as he sat down in front of me, elbows on his knees.

"She introduced me to so many things. Pasteurized milk, sheets, monotheism." He sighed before continuing. "Presents on your birthday, preventative medicine."

"Hold on, how hadn't you heard of shee-?"

"I was talking to myself." I frowned standing up and pointing towards the door.

"Ok, go talk to yourself elsewhere then." His eyes went wide.

"Wait, wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just... I don't get it." I rolled my eyes sitting back down.

"Don't get what?"

"Why is she marrying Andy?" He looked at me, pleading for an answer with his eyes.

"Look Dwight, Angela's not really a risk taker, have you seen Andy?" I asked making him smile slightly. "He's not really a risk." He was smiling now, even if it was filled with sadness, it was a smile.



"Oh, my God, what happened?" Michael asked walking in. Jim caught him up while I continued my investigation. Apparently, the office had been broken into last night, I was already on the case, though.

"Bravo, Watson. Looks like a classic seven-man job. Okay, security tapes were stolen, Motives-financial, or possibly, vintage HP computer collectors. Hank down at security had clocked out. And that is all we have." Michael stood there, dumbstruck for a moment before Holly pulled him away.

"Oh, come on, now is not the time Dwight." (Y/n) said looking frazzled as she walked around with a clipboard and a phone in her ear. I followed her, annoyed.

"Hey! I'm getting to the root of the problem here. We won't have to replace what was stolen if we catch the thieves and get our original stuff back!" She turned abruptly, making me stop suddenly now face to face with her.

Boss Lady (Dwight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now