18- Goodbye Happiness (oh and also Toby)

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"Hello Angela." I greeted cheerfully.

"Hello... (Y/n)."

"Do you mind if I get a list of your old vendors back when the party-planning committee was still a thing?"

"I shredded it." She shrugged, putting on an innocent face.

"Why would you do that?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Gosh, I just don't know. Why do you think?" She smirked, oh this bitch did not.

"You right, I expected to much from you." I turned 'accidently' knocking off a stack of her papers. Fuckin bitch, don't know why i expected anything more from her. 

I made my way back to my desk and worked on getting the grill rented, earlier I assigned Pam to getting the projector and picking the movie. I was just about to get up and run to the store for the food when both my cell and my office phone rung simultaneously. I glanced at my cell to see Ryan was calling me. Then looking at my office phone the name 'David Wallace' popped up. I answered my office phone and my face fell.


I was sitting at my desk when Michael suddenly burst out of the conference room.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here?! Who thought it would be hysterical to give Toby a rock for his going-away gift?!" I looked at him questioningly.

"You did." I stated.

"No!" He yelled immediately.

"You made me wrap it. I thought it was over the line. I just-" Michael slammed the door in my face before I could finish. I sighed, turning back about to do my work when everyone got called over by Jim. Pulled up on his computer he had video of multiple dunder-mifflin people being escorted out of our New York headquarters. My eyes widened, and I looked around for (Y/n). She was standing in her office, pacing, with her phone in hand. The door was shut so I couldn't hear anything but it looked like she was yelling.

"Hey, it's the kid! Look, look, look, look, look!" Creed yelled suddenly, causing my attention to snap back to the screen. Ryan was being led away in handcuffs. "Hey! It's the temp! Look!" He pointed out to Michael, Holly, Pam, and Toby who had just joined.

"Oh my gosh." I exclaimed, worry filling me. I wasn't worried for my sake, I would be fine. But (Y/n)...

"Is that the police?" Pam gasped.

"Yes." I replied.

"Mm-hmm." Creed agreed with me. I looked back to her office, and we could now here shouting going on through her closed door. Many people had their focus on her.


"No, no, no. Don't you dare for a fucking second blame this on me!" I yelled at him, who fucking cares if he's my boss. I was probably going to lose my job over this anyway.

"Look, Ryan hired you and then a few weeks later this happens. You said yourself you weren't sure what Ryan was doing was legal!" He accused.

"THATS WHAT I TOLD HIM! I told Ryan from the beginning this wasn't a good idea and he wouldn't listen! I had no idea he was commiting fraud!"

"You should have told ME! I am the CEO of this company and I need to know important information like that!"

"DAVID FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONE SECOND! All I knew was that Ryan was telling our employees to enter their sales as website sales. I didn't know they were being enetered twice! The only thing I knew that I told Ryan was that if we entered our employees sales as website sales it would make our employee sales low, and incorrect!" I let out a shaky breath as I waited for a response.

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