8- The Abduction of 07'

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"And the same thing goes for quarterly reports. They are unreadable. They're just numbers and boring and blech. So what I was thinking is that maybe we should have some sort of graphic, like if we have a bad quarter, put in a storm cloud? And... when we have a good quarter, fireworks? Or a racecar?" We all groaned as the DVD symbol just barely missed the corner. 

"Doesn't have to be a racecar. Use your imagination." Michael quickly corrected, thinking our reaction was to him, of course no one was listening. This meeting was a huge waste of time but, the DVD symbol, it was... just... so... close.



"There's this cube on the screen, and it bounces around all day, and sometimes it looks like it's heading right into the corner of the screen, and at the last minute it hits a wall and bounces away. And we are all just dying to see it go right into the corner. Pam claims that she saw it one day when she was alone in the conference room. Okay. I believe she thinks she saw it."



" I saw it. I saw it, and it was amazing! Who said I didn't see it? Did Jim say that I didn't see it? I saw it!"


The DVD logo hit just next to the corner as Michael said something.

"Dah! Come on!" Andy yelled, angrily.

"Yeah! I know. I know. It's bland." Michael replied, what is he talking about? Nevermind I don't care.

"This is hopeless." I whispered to Dwight next to me.

"It'll happen, just wait!" He whispered back, we watched intently, everyone focused on the multicolored box until finally, it hit! We all cheeered, and began to get up to go back to work. "Told you." Dwight smirked, causing me to scoff.

"Like you had any idea it would actually happen." I argued.

"That was so awesome." Kevin stated, excitedly.

"That was awesome. Thank you." Michael beemed happily. Who knows what he was talking about.



"Some days I am just on fire. What can I say?"


"Michael? This is the press release I was telling you about. Ryan wants you to share it with everyone." I handed Michael the memo as I leaned against reception where I was just chatting with Pam.

"Oh, does he?" Michael asked.

"He does." I said flatly.

"Mmmmmm. Okay. Attention. Earthlings. I have some news. Beep beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep. Okay. Today is the big day that I am heading to New York to attend a party with sushi and important people. On an unrelated note, if anyone has an interesting anectdote that is not boring and easy to memorize please drop by my office before I leave. Thank you." I sighed, placing my head in my hand, that most certaily was not what the memo said. Also, why did he think he was going?

"Whoops. Is that really what Ryan wanted you to tell us?" Jim asked as Michael started to walk away. This is why he's Assistant regional manager.

"And... today the Dunder-Mifflin Infinity website officially launches." Michael read off the paper walking in his office. I sighed again walking to thw front and clearing my throat to get everyones attention.

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