19- Loss. One way or another.

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(Y/N) sits at the conference table, chin resting on her hand.

"What's going through your mind right now, (Y/n)?" She dosen't move, just continues to stare blankly at some point behind us. "Do you have any comment on the matter?" 



WEEK 1 - JUNE 30th


"All right, everybody. This is your last meal, so eat up." My announcement was met with cheers and I grinned.

"From this point forward, you will not use the bathroom. We need to keep our starting weights high so we can lose more." Dwight added, I nodded.


This Summer, corporate is sponsoring a little weight loss contest between the branches. Whichever branch loses the most weight gets three extra vacation days.


"What should we do with all these leftovers?" Meridith asked.

"I'm taking the dumplings for my wife." Stanley said, reaching for them. One day maybe I'll get to take MY dumplings home to Holly. That's what she said. I snickered to myself.

"No, no, no. This is your last meal. There will be no leftovers. Is everyone done?" A chorous of Yes's and confirmation were met with Dwights question. I noticed someone hadn't eaten anything though.

"(Y/n), why aren't you eating?" Everyone turned to look where she sat off to the side at my words. She looked... bored.

"I won't be weighing in." She monotoned. 

"Why?" Meridith asked.

"Because I won't be here for two weeks." Everyone looked shocked.

"Wait, why not?" I asked. Her gaze shifted over to me, she made no move to respond.

"I'm taking my dumplings." Stanley announced, breaking the ice. Suddenly Dwight sprayed the entire table with bug killer.

"There. Take those home to your wife."

"Dwight, Dwight!" I yelled. I looked to (Y/n) for backup but she still had that same bored expression on her face.

"Michael, it's time." Dwight said, stepping in between us, blocking my view. Was she okay?


"Hit the scales, everybody. Right on that black platform. This way. Step it up." I directed, everyone stepped up onto the scale, and I began to adjust them by size. I noticed (Y/n) was standing off to the side, watching. I guess if she wouldn't be here for two weeks she wouldn't need to be on the scale. I wonder why she's leaving. Is it because of me? I shook my head, dosne't matter.



"I'm excited to lose weight for the wedding, because I really want to have washboard abs the first time Angela sees me naked." I sang crossing my fingers.


"Wait a minute. One more bite of eclair each. Hold it in your mouth if you can't swallow." I said, wanting to get as much extra pondage as possible on. No one accepted and I put it down, getting on the scale.

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