24- Those Stars do be treking

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I contemplated my life choices that had lead me to this moment as I turned onto the dirt road of Dwight's driveway.

"Hmm." I pulled up to the house and saw Dwight sitting on a rocking chair out front. "Why do I have a feeling this is gonna go wrong?"


"So yeah, Friday Dwight paid a thousand dollars to have an entire day with me, where he can do what he wants.... I have no clue what the hell is about to happen." I looked at the camera, worried.



I was sitting on a rocking chair on the porch, waiting.

It was only two days ago that I officially broke up with Angela. (Y/n) helped so much... again. I would never had been able to see so clearly who Angela was without her. I wanted to show her my gratitude. So I bought her day, so no one else could torment her.

It felt like I had broken up with Angela weeks ago. To be fair we were never technically dating again but, we were something. While (Y/n) helped me officially end things with her, any chemistry or feelings we had were dead long before.

It was hard for me to realize until the baby shower. (Y/n)'s personality was just shone so bright, she put her heart and oul into everything she did, she didn't let the people who were counting on her, down. Around that time was when Angela started not showing up to our meetings, I was devestated but it left me a lot of time to think. 

When I was carving that knife in the break room I was thinking about how Angela was treating me, and about (Y/n). My thoughts were getting plaugued by her more and more. When Angela choose Andy, that was it.


"Now you move on."  I stared at her sadly, this... this couldn't be how it ended.

"Okay, fine. I've moved on. Now how do I get her back?" She rolled her eyes and I suddenly felt bad realizing how this must be for her. Helping the man who treated her so bad get over the woman he basically cheated on her with... agian.

"You don't. She chose him." 

 "Wait, that's it?" I looked down, trying to process how everything had fallen apart. She gave me a sad smile and a pat on the shoulder before walking away.

After she left all I could think about was how amazing she was, and how angry I was at Angela. I realized there that this whole time... I still had feelings for her. It was ironic considering I didn't realize I still had feelings for Angela when (Y/n) and I were 'together'. 

The difference was... (Y/n) cared.


I looked up, coming out of my thoughts as a white pickup truck began driving down the driveway.

"She's here, Mose." I stood up from the chair as she got out of her truck. Mose was sitting on the ground next to me and stood up shortly after me. I saw her glance at him before starting to walk up. I met her at the stairs up to the porch.

"Um, hi." She gave an akward smile.

"Hello, it's good to see you." I looked back at her, memories seeming to physically cross my vision. Her with her hands on her hips in that green dress when Michael and I drove to get Sushi.  Her with her hands on me as we made out at that club. Her face as she saw me fucking Angela...

"Uh, yeah. So what's the plan?" I went down the steps and gestured for her to follow me as I walked towards the barn. Me saving her from the lake. Me pinning her down in the forest. Me treating her like shit when she had been nothing but an angel to me.

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