9- Local B'ad'

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I was annoyed with Michael lately, between kidnapping that kid, forgetting to do the powerpoint presentation, and his whole 'I Decalare Bankruptcy' excapade. I was simply over it. Now he thought he was going to make a whole ad in a day? Come on.

As the guys corporate sent walked in, I sighed annoyed and focused back on the papers on my desk. I honestly don't know what the point of this all was. I mean... 5 seconds? Were really gonna waste our entire day on 5 seconds of an ad? I honestly didn't see how this company wasn't broke. But the numbers being produced were still good so, I guess were fine.

"And this sexy thing right here, is our office manager (Y/n) (L/n). She's in charge of events and productivity." I glanced up to see Michael and the two ad guys.

"What did I say about introducing me like that?" I asked annoyed, I hated when people just entered my office without knocking or something, door open or not.

"Not to." he looked down at his feet, ashamed.

"That's right, now why are they even still here, it's five seconds of ad." 

"Great question, are you the boss here?" The taller of the two asked. I nodded. "That makes so much more sense, do you mind if we go over this?" He and his collegee sat down as Michael stood there dumfounded.

"Um, guys i'm the branch manager, shouldn't we plan this out with someone who's actually creative." Michael offered. 

"Really?" I questioned flatly, he avoided eyecontact. I sighed. "While I am technicaly in charge here, Michael is the branch manager so you can discuss the details with him." They laughed as I sat there my chin propped up on my hand.

"Wait your serious? This guy is the branch manager?" The other asian-looking man asked.

"Yup." I replied popping the 'p'. They glanced at each other before getting up and walking out. Finally, i could get some work done.


For some reason Andy wanted to talk to me, he claimed to need my expertise in something. A common problem in the world.

"I need some advice. I've been spending a lot of time making out with Angela lately. But we've been necking, but only necking. Right? Not actually kissing, our mouths, just the neck on neck. It's just like rubbing slash nuzzling our necks together. It's hot, I'm not going to lie to you , but it's a little weird, but you seem like a guy with answers, so how do I fast track this to get to first base?" Oh great. I couldn't take this, hearing the love of my life move on with someone else? This wasn't going to work.

"We cannot talk about this... because, someone might hear us." I came up with cleverly.

"We'll use code names." He suggested, that could work...

"Angela can stay the same, but we'll change Andy to Dwight." I grinned.

"That's not different enough."he claimed, I lokked at him hopefully.

"Dwike?" I offered.


After about an hour of work I looked up to the sound of a knock on my door. It was one of the ad guys, the shorter asian one.

"Hey so... Michael pretty much shut us out, he apparently didn't know only the last part of the ad was changable." I shook my head.

"Sounds about righ-" I was interrupted by my office phone ringing. "Hold that thought" I said to the guy as I picked up the phone. "Dunder-Mifflin Scranton Branch, (Y/n) (L/n) speaking."

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