13- Night 'ab'Out

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"I am livid, Absolutely livid." Oscar stated clicking on his screen.

"It's ridiculous." Angela agreed.



"Yes, I'm having the Scranton branch come in on one Saturday so they can re-enter sales that they made on the phone as sales that were made by the website which they should have done in the first place, if the website had been working."



"No I don't like this one bit. First of all everyone is blaming me for having to come in on saturday even though Ryan is the one who made that decision. Second of all, entering phone sales as website sales is... well I don't want to inriminate anyone but it sounds an awful lot like fraud."



I was standing at the front of the conference room with Ryan and Michael who was going on a rant.

"...I swear to God, If any of you hurts him in any way emotionally or taunts him or makes fun of his height or his half beard or..."

"Ok thanks Michael." Ryan interrupted.

"Yeah." Michael nodded, feeling acomplished I suppose.

"I'm here today to do some creative problem solving about Dunder Mifflin Infinity and field your questions." Ryan explained.

"Question." Dwight raised his hand.


"Why am I being forced to come in tomorrow and pretend that a website made sales that I made?" He scowled, I wanted to know the answer to.

"This is a temporary measure to increase the legitimacy of the site." Ryan replied.

"I don't like when my clients call me to help them use the website, I'm not seeing commissions on that." Stanley complained.

"I hear you Stanley, that is a great observation. Problems like that will not happen when we launch Dunder Mifflin Infinity 2 point O." Ryan smirked. Ryan had gotten himself a big head in New York and I didn't like it. The Ryan I grew up with was never this self-centered or bossy.

"When will that be?" Stanley dead-panned.

"TBD." Ryan stated, avoiding eyecontact.

"For now whenever a customer needs help with a website tranfer them to Kelly or try to sell the paper yourself without the website." I stated fixing the issue.

"No..." Ryan looked at me. "We want the website to make sales so we need to help clients use it."

"We also need our workers to make sales so we don't go under." I glared at him, I had tried to bring this issue up before but he didn't want to hear it. Now he will.

"Uh... Phyllis?" He asked avoiding the problem, making me huff.

"Did the police solve the problem with the..." She trailed off.

"Yes, yes they did, yes they did." Ryan stammered out, making me smirk.



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