15- St-st-stuttering

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The office was quiet, I was used to being the first one in so I had already started a pot of coffee. I leaned against the fridge yawning as the smell slowly helped wake me up. As the pot began to finish I opened the cupboard and reached in to grab my scooby-doo mug. 

Suddenly I felt to arms wrap around my waist making me jump. I spun around to meet Dwight's smirking face.

"Hey, stranger." He greeted.

"Hey, yourself! I nearly had a heart attack!" I laughed. He grinned pulling me closer. "What are you doing here anyway? Your never here this early?" He let me go and I turned pouring a cup for me.

"I wanted to see you." He reached up brushing my hair out of my face and behind my ear. I blushed.

"Yeah well, I guess that's okay." I grabbed his cup and filled it before handing it to him.

"Oh is it?" He smirked taking a sip of his coffee. I shivered, how does anyone drink coffee black? I "Glad you approve, though I don't need your permision." I rolled my eyes, grabbing creamer.

"Whatever you say." I knew that would work him up, he hated not being in contol.

"I don't! There's no law stating whether I can see you or not!" I laughed at his face.

"Well, I am still your boss." I smirked eyeing him as I sipped on my coffee.

"Maybe at work." He eyed me up and down, biting his lip. I nearly choked as my face became scarlet.

"Where do you think we are?" I set my cup down, putting my hand on my hip.

"It isn't 9 yet." He seized my hips, pulling me to him. I gasped as his lips captured mine.



"I swear something is going on with (Y/n) and Dwight! They are flirting all the time! I'm not crazy! Don't call me crazy!" I had been called crazy by Pam enough.



"Did Jim say that? He's crazy, nothings going on between those two."



"No. Nothing romantic is going on between me and Ms. (L/n). Why do you ask?" The camera crew were idiots, they never knew about me and Angela and they'll never know about me and (Y/n).



"I don't really know. I would hope so but were not really an official couple or anything..." There was no use in denying that something was happening. The camera crew was literally there.



"Ener-gize..." We sat in the conference room as Michael talked about energizing the office. I leaned over to (Y/n).

"He has enough energy as it is." She snickered, causing me to smile.

"Everybody, so how are we going to energize our office? I mean, I haven't done anything since Christmas. Pam, clearly, has just given up trying. So what we need to do is we get things going, we need to get percolating a little bit. Anybody have any ideas of what we could do. Any suggestions? Yes, Andy?"

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