5- The 'not so fun' run

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"Michael Scott's Dunder-Mifflin, Scranton, Meredith Palmer memorial, celebrity rabies awareness, fun run race for the cure, this is Pam." I walked into the office with Pam answering the phone.

"Pro-Am." Michael added. I tilted my head. Pam sighed.

"Pro-Am race for the... They hung up." She set the phone down.

"What's going on, Michael?" I asked, he glanced at me worried.

"Nothing, nothing is going on, Pam was just answering the phone like she normally does." He smiled glancing at Pam who looked tired.

"You can't take up company time to do a run for Meredith." I stated bored.

"Ah, I don't know what you are talking about." he pressed his lips together lying.

"In my office." I sighed.

"We can go in mi-"

"No, we'll go in mine."


"It's a strategy thing. If I was in his office, it would give him the position of power. I need him to realize I am telling him what to do."


"A woman shouldn't have to be hit by a car, to learn that she may have rabies, but that is where we are in America." He started sitting across from me in my office.

"Michael." I tried.

"And that does not sit right with me. And that is why I'm hosting a fun run race for the cure for rabies." he continued getting upset.


"To raise awareness of the fact that there is a cure for rabies. A disease that has largely been eradicated in the US. But not very many people know that." He finished.

"Are you done?"


"You cannot have your employees calling their clients for sponsors." Does he not understand what a waste of company time that is?

"But (y/n) we need them for the marathon." Oh lord.

"Who said you were having one?"

"Me! Because I'm the boss and we-"

"Well I'm your boss! Now get your ass out there and tell them to get back to work!" I was so tired of this; I shouldn't have to be having this talk.

"But what about the marathon?" He pleaded. I thought for a moment before deciding to let him have it.

"You can have it at 4, now go!"


"NOW." I was on the verge of changing my mind.



We were all watching (y/n)s office where there was clearly a loud argument going on. It was like battle of the bosses, who's the true boss?

"NOW." We all heard right before Michael walked out of the door dejectedly.

"Okay, guys. So, um, just do your normal work for now, and.." He stammered with (y/n) watching.

"Oh, good god." (y/n) walked out addressing us. "You are no longer to call people to sponsor this run, it is not mandatory to go to this, but if you do, that company time will not be paid for." I nodded along with many other people acknowledging what she said.

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