10- Survivorman, survivorman, does whatever a survivor can

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AN: Funny story, I realized I was starting out all my chapters with y/n pov and I looked to see who elses pov I could do in this one and saw Toby and went 'ew not him'. Im turning into Michael...


"I really didn't think I was going to have a good time, but I did. Totally did." Toby said making conversation. We had just been on a 'get to know you' camping trip with Ryan and some other people.

"I love camping. Anything can happen~" Meridith sang. 

"Oh, it wasn't camping, it was more of a wilderness retreat." I would have to agree, that wasn't real camping at all, we had abunch of technology and campers, it was ridiculous.

"Morning." Michael greeted walking in.

"Michael." Toby greeted.



"Ryan invited some of the branch managers and Toby into the woods for a "get to know you" weekend. Michael wasn't invited. Apparently they already knew everything they needed to know about him."


"Did you sleep in cabins?" Pam questioned.

"No, we had campers. It was really beautiful, you should come." I grimiced, the entire trip it seemed Toby kept trying to get me to fall for him, it was just so forced and akward, I didn't like anybody right now anyway, even if I did it most certainly wouldn't be him.

"Bob and I took rock climbing lessons once." Phllis said making Michael laugh, I ignored him.

"Really? That's so cool! I've always wanted to go rockclimbing." I replied, intrigued. 



"Michael wasn't invited on Ryan's camping trip. Toby went, but Michael didn't go. He wasn't invited."


"Who went?" Pam questioned.

"Me and (Y/n), Dan from Buffalo, Mark Chisholm, Jeff from Albany and Ryan, obviously. Made so many s'mores, that I finally had to say, 'No more s'mores, no more s'mores.'" Toby joked as Michael stormed out.



"Ryan invited us to go on his wilderness adventure retreat. It was this amazing, beautiful experience, didn't you think?" Toby asked me.

"Oh for sure, we were right next to this little stream, great fishing spot!" Suddenly a knocking on the window made us look behind us. 

"Hey, nobody cares. Nobody cares. I need that room at some point, so just, wrap it up." Michael yelled from outside.

"Michael wasn't invited." We said together.




"When Jan and I had satellite, we used to watch a reality show called "Survivorman." And, it was interesting because it was about a guy who would go out in the middle of no where and just try not to die, try not to get eaten by an animal, or be overexposed."

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