3- I do my research

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I exit the elvator and begin to talk to the camera, grinning 

"Today I am super excited because today is the first day (y/n) starts working here. I got here like half an hour early so she probably won't be here, which is exactly what I wan't!" Walking in I look around and sure enough no (y/n) in sight.

"Gooood morning vietnam!" I shout smiling "Look I know everone isn't here but thats okay because we are gonna plan a suprise party for (y/n)! Yay!"

"I thought she was here to decrease the amount of ridiculous parties you throw?" Oscar piped up from his desk.

"That's where your wrong, she'll see today how important these parties and meetings are when she has her own!" I pointed out, Angela walked in behind me "Ah, Angela, perfect timing. As head of the part planning commitee I will need you to secretly plan a party to celebrate (y/n)s arrival!"


*pans over to (y/n) leaning against the doorframe of her office watching*

"I-I thought the commitee was dispersed?" Angela says startled looking over at (y/n).

"Not dispersed only secret! Oh this is gonna be great!" Michael's almost bouncing from the excitement.

"Hey quick question, what time will this be?" (y/n) pipes up raising her hand.

"Uh I don't know, like 4/4:30" he responds "Its really up to-" he stops and looks back over at (y/n).

"Yeah there will not be a party today, and the party planning commitee has been canceled completely. Shouldn't of been here in the first place." She walks back in to her office. 

*pans back over to michale who has a look of disbelief on his face*



"I had a feeling Michael would try to do something like that. I just hope my whole day isn't spent stopping him." I looked at the camera dejectedly.



I walked back into my office where I had gotten all the boxes aand papers I needed moved in. I sighed, I still needed my desk from downstairs. Oh well I thought I guess I'll just introduce myself to them while asking. I walked out of my office and to the warehouse. 

Opening the door I looked down on a bunch of guys at work. Ugh, about what I expected. I had a tendency to dread being around guys alone. I began to walk down the stairs gaining everybodies attention. Some guy walked up to me, clearly checking me out.

"You must be lost princess." He stepped in front of me, stopping my decent. I was still about three steps up and already annoyed, even if I didn't show it.

"No, actually i'm the new Office Manager." Another man walked out of an office to the side.

"You here to replace Michael?" He looked excited.

"No, i'm here to manage him." I laughed lightly. If I'm gonna get them to get my desk upstairs I needed to flirt a little.

"Ha, about time! I'm Darryl, the warehouse foreman." He responded offering his hand which I shook.

"Oh! Great I'm (y/n). Anyway, i'm actually taking the office upstairs, you know the unfinished one..." I bit my lip at him hoping he would know what I was talking about, and of course flirting subtly.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know where it's at." He replied eyeing me up. He was kinds cute if I was being honest.

"Great! Well they told me they had a desk and some other stuff for it, but it's down here." I looked down with my eyes sighing before fluttering them up back to Darryl.

Boss Lady (Dwight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now