27 - I-I do?

524 37 9


"Dwight, I'm a little concerned about some of these directions to Schrute Farms..." Andy, Angela, and I were all on our break and had taken the time to sit in the conference room and discuss buisness for the wedding.

"Yeah, do tell." I checked my watch, I didn't want to waste my entire break with this. We had all requested a two-hour break today so we had time to do everything but I didn't want to waste so much time just sitting in the break room and talking. After this we were off to Shrute farms.

"I mean, like, '156 paces from the light red mailbox, make a left.'" 

"Mmhm." I nodded.

"'Walk until you hear the beehive.'" He looked confused and I shook my head in annoyance.

"How could it be more clear?"

"That may no-" Andy began before Angela jumped in.
"I think Andy makes an excellent point."

"Okay." I took a deep breathe, this was just becoming such a fiasco, and so complicated. I'm glad I hired (Y/n) to help me out.

"But my biggest concern is that there's only one bathroom." She looked to Andy for support and he nodded.

"We'll dig a trench. As long as it's downhill from the well, we should be fine." 

"Nana Mimi cannot squat over some trench." 

"Well we're not gonna put out stumps, come on." I gave a 'duh' look to the camera.

"Let's three-way this little issue," He paused as he pointed his finger around the table "and come to a solution by the time we get to Schrute Farms, how's that for a plan?" I nodded. 



"We're getting married at Schrute Farms, no matter what. I have looked at twelve venues, I have lost eight deposits, and I have seen Angela naked zero times. I am not losing another deposit."


We headed to the livestock barn, and I swept the latch keeping the door closed up with my foot, pushing open the door.

"This is where you'll have your receiving line. Of course we'll clear out all the livestock and hay and such."

"Hmm...mm, what's that smell?" Andy asked, looking around.

"You're gonna need to be more specific."

"Manure. Get rid of it." Angela demanded, crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes.

"Manure covers up the small of the slaughterhouse." I explained, hands on my hips.

"Do you have to slaughter on our wedding day!?"

"You wanna eat, don't you?"

"Honey, say something!" Angela turned to him and he sighed, turning to us.

"Uh, Dwight, if we pay extra, could you slaughter the entrees the day before?" He turned to Angela, silently asking if that would be an okay compromise.

"...I'll consider it." I turned away with a frown, pulling out a notepad and pen, jotting down the new information. "It will help cover the extra help i'm bringing in."

"See? That's how you do i- wait, extra help?" Andy asked, as both Angela and him looked at me puzzled.

"Yes well, you wanted a fairly bigger wedding than I have planned and run in the past by myself so I'm bringing in a professional to help me out. She will be here to help consult in about..." I checked my watch, her break wasn't due to start until 1:00 pm. "an hour give or take."

"Okay, yeah. Sounds good!" Andy was smiling brightly and Angela looked pleased with the new news. 


Roughly 30 minutes had passed and I already had so many things written down that needed editing. Nothing was right for Angela, everything had to be changed to her liking.  Currently we sat in my dining room as I tried to get decisions made.

"Have you made a decision on the butter sculpture?"

"No. I haven't thought of it." 

"Okay. Cow, goat or sheep. It's not that hard." 

"I would like cat." She glared, knowing exactly the kind of reaction this would cause me to have.

"Cats don't make butter." I stated, plainly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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