12- Pair Model

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"W.B. Jones is renovating their offices and their construction crews are taking up some of the parking spaces we used to get." I stated, standing next to Jim outside the office.

"So we had to park at a satellite parking lot over there." JIm pointed far down the street.

" Which just means we get to see more of our lovely street. Tell them what we saw today Jim." I sighed.

"Oh today, we saw a junk yard dog attacking the bones of a rotisserie chicken." He smiled.



"So, your just gonna stay in all weekend?" Dwight asked, leaning against the doorframe of my office.

"Yeah, Binge 'The Office' for the 100th time, probably." I shrugged, glancing over what paperwork I needed to go over for the day.

"What's 'The Office'?" He schruched up his nose all confused. It was adorable.

"This stupid show i'm slave to." He laughed.

"That's probably not healthy."

"Probably." I smirked up at him. Usually I was at his desk, but I liked this change of pace, it was nice.

"So... since your not doing anything this wee-" He was cut off by Michael loudly starting some announcement. I got up and walked out with Dwight to see what he was saying.

"I am ready to start dating again. Getting back on the market. So, FYI, for those of you who are thinking about fixing me up with any of your friends, use the woman on page 85 as a template. That will be all." I shook my head, sighing.


I smiled watching (Y/n)'s reaction to Michael, he was ridiculous sometimes. She then looked up at me smiling as her bright (e/c) orbs shone.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" She questioned.

"I-uh, nothing. Not important." I stated, quickly walking away and to my desk. Damn it, I was so ready to ask her out a few minutes ago and now I'm not so sure. What the hell, I'm a Schrute for crying out loud, we don't get cold feet!


I worked for awhile at my desk trying to plan the best way to ask her out, until Michael suddenly began another speech.

"Dating shouldn't be hard for somebody like me, but it is and you know why? Because nobody here is willing to help me. Nothing would ever get done in this office without a formal request, would it? Well, fine. Here goes."

"I don't think that this is-" Angela started.

"Well, now OK, I know that this is probably not appropriate, but I need help. Because I want to play ball with my kids before I get too old. And before that happens I need to get laid. And before that happens I need to be in love. And I don't wanna hear "Ahnnn... I can't help elhh la la." No. No. I'm a catch and I am not going to be the one who got away. So, this is what we're going to do. Dwight is going to hand out index cards and I want you all to write down the name of an eligible woman for me to date by the end of the day. No, by the end of the hour or you are fired." He stormed back into his office and I stood up with my index cards.

"Write legibly people."


I was in my office trying my best to get some work done when Dwight walked in and handed me an index card.

Boss Lady (Dwight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now