20- Crippling (Weight) of emotion (Loss)

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"How's my favorite branch doing?" Ryan walks in with a smile. No one says a word and everyone stares at him. "All right." He goes and sits at reception.



"Ronnie was bleh. Things were at an all time sad here. But then I got an e-mail from Ryan, that he was coming back to town. And I called the temp agency and I told them I will pay you any amount, just give me Ryan Howard. Give him to me. I want him. I need him."



"And you got a goatee!" Ryan said suprised.

"I did!" I smiled.

"Did you get that after you helped me move and you saw mine?"

"Yes. Gooooo-tee!" I laughed, Ryan just looked so good with his goatee, I had to join him. Just then Kevin ran up.

"Firrrrre-duh guy!" He says high fiving Ryan.

"Hey Kevin..." Kevin then wrapped his arm around Ryan and noogied him. "That's really funny."

"Yeah." Kevin agreed.

"It's great to see you Kev."

"You too."



"I'm keeping a list... of everyone who wrongs me. So when I'm back on top, they'll be sorry. Kevin just made the list."



I walked out of my office, looking down at some paperwork. For the most part we were all smooth-running again, but trying to get a company back on track after dealing with that level of Fraud wasn't exactly easy. I don't link I'd be upset if I never saw Ryans face aga-

"(Y/n)! Look who's back!" Michael grinned. My head shot up and I came face to face with Ryan.

"(Y/n)... you look good! I'm, uh... i'm back!" My jaw fell open and I stared at him. I looked over at Michael and he grinned. Looking back at Ryan he held a forced smile. I blinked, looking down.

"(Y/n)..." I held up a finger, silencing Ryan.

"No! No no no." I took a deep breath. "Just... don't." I turned back to Michael who looked far less excited now. "My office, now!" I speed walked back to my office.


"What did you do!" Michael sat in a chair as I stood across my desk from him.

"Well... I heard Ryan was coming back to town and called the temp agency to uh... get him back?" He smiled.

"You... WHAT!" He flinched. "Has Ryan not done enough damge to this company already, I mean my lord! What on God's green Earth made you think that this was a good idea?" I fumed, running a hand through my hair.

"W-well I just thought that he was a good frined of mine and he deserved a second chance." I let out a breathy laugh and sat down, briting un my knuckles. It was quiet for a moment as I fought to compose myself.

"So, let me get this straight. Ryan gets hired as a temp and you become friends. Ryan gets promoted, treats the company, including you, like dirt, practically Bankrupts the entire corporation, gets jailed and fired, and you JUST THOUGHT that he deserved a second chance?" I looked at him pointedly.

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