Chapter Twenty-Four: Sacrifice in life

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 After awhile they finally figured out how her primordial spirit was saved. A piece of it was with Dong Hua Dijun all along. Which was none other than the fox tail keychain he crafted 300 years ago. Some might said it was fateful, however there was bothering Dijun, unfortunately he couldn't pin out what it was. Nonetheless, Dijun took time to arrange a meeting in TaiChen Palace for the Bai Family. But everything went through Bai Qian first. The Crown Princess of Heaven was suprise to find out that her beloved niece was alive. Not to mention she was now a high goddess, she was both delighted but worried of her well being. The trial she went through must been painful. Bai Qian stick close to her beloved niece day and night for a week until she was satisfied hearing every explanation from her. The Crown Princess wasn't satisfied with how they treated here in the human realms and would love to punch them in the face- but was luckily stop by her niece. If she didn't , Bai Qian wouldn't show any mercy like a punch in the face.

" I would really like to give Dong Hua Dijun a piece of my mind for hiding my beloved niece from me all this time. Especially when she was near me all this time"

The beautiful goddess fummed while tapping on the table impatiently. Her niece decided to hug her arm too sooth her anger and even buttered her up with sweet words. 

" He was just trying to protect me. My cultivation was still unstable and I was the one who agree with him~ besides I miss you so much auntie"

she squeezed the hug for a bit. Tears well in Bai Qian eyes, she missed her little niece dearly as well and decided to let her be. She spoil her way too much for her own good. However their sweet moment was disturb by the sudden appearance of the Crown Prince Of Heaven. He seems to miss his wife dearly and couldn't wait any longer. Feng Jiu couldn't stood up to greet him. He was clad in a black robe as always , he may appear to be stoic but you can definitely see how mellow he was with his wife.

Feng Jiu decided to let them be as she sneak away from the jade gazebo and went inside the TaiChen Palace. When she saw her husband walk by, a smile beam on her face. She tip toed her way to him and hug him from behind. 

" Dijun~"

A small smile tug on his cold lips. He has missed her voice very much since she been away with her aunt for quite sometime, he had successfully hold back from stealing her away which was quite a feat. He pat her hand gently that was around his waist. She slowly made her way to his chest and bury herself comfortably there. There was no one right now, so she felt it was fine to be this affectionate with him. The smell of white sandalwood filled her lung, it use to cause her headache but now she find it calming.

" Xiao Bai seems to be bold today "

ah yes, there's the usual tease from her husband. But she didn't care and instead gave him a sweet smile before stealing a quick kiss on his lips. It happen within a second as she quickly ran away from him. It seems his little fox was being playful. But that's what make it fun, with just a step he was already infront of her and caught her in his embrace causing her to pout.  

" That was unfair! "

she whined but he merely gave her a half-hearted smile 

" says who?"

she grumbled when he managed to shut her up. Even though she is his wife, he never let her win that easily at all. He would still tease the hell out of her! well at least he would give her lots of kisses afterwards.

Right when, she was about to snuggled with him even more. Trace of blood scent could be found on his robe. The white sandalwood has masked it well if it wasn't because she was this near. She narrowed her eyes at him. Anger started to boil inside of her. She felt like something inside of her was being stir. Unconsciously, her red aura was sipping out and started to swirl around her. Dijun was taken back from change. But he remain calm and held her closer to himself.

" Where were you while I was away.."

She asked. Her voice was trembling. She wanted to explode but she couldn't so she held back while gripping onto his royal purple robe.

" I was playing Go with Lian Song "

That wasn't a lie but it wasn't exactly the full story either. He was also strengthening the barrier around Miao Luo. Making sure her chasm wouldn't affect the outside world. She was definitely getting stronger to the point she could manifest an image of herself within the barrier. Lian Song was still working on the tool that was supposed to be an even stronger barrier that will be able to contain her but it was taking time. The silver haired immortal had no choice but to use his cultivation to feed the barrier , every 3 day he would go down to Miao Luo chasm to strengthen it. It was taking toll on him but at least it will last long enough until Lian Song is done with his creation.

" Don't lie to me! am I that hopeless that you can't even tell a single thing to me! "

She was hurt. She was anxious on how he was wounded yet he was telling her lies. Her tears roll down from her pale cheeks and stain his robe. She started to sob even more, she didn't know why she was overreacting but she couldn't control it at all.  The Silver haired immortal wasn't exactly good at coaxing, even his own wife but it still pains him to see her bawling out her eyes.

" Xiao Bai, it's not like that. It was nothing serious-"

" Yes it is! I can smell your blood! You know better than anyone that I am a fox , and fox has keen nose!.. why are you lying to me.."

Technically, he was doing this because Feng Jiu once told him that her Uncle-In-Law never show any weakness to his wife so that she wouldn't be worried. In a way, Dijun was doing this to keep the reckless little fox safe. But before he could explain to her even more she fell limp against him. Her cultivation became unstable that it was eating her up, Dijun swiftly carries her in his arm bad to their bedroom. Once they were in their bedroom, he started to feed her with a bowl of his blood. Yes, his blood. The colour of red wine mix with hint of gold was how his blood was. His blood has always help her to calm his cultivation , he been secretly feeding her with his blood through the soup that he has made for her thus the iron after taste. But right now he was just using it as it is since she was unconscious anyway. With the help of his blood, her condition was starting to become more and more stable. A soft sigh escape from his lips as he felt more relaxed now. 

He took her hand into his and check her pulse...

something wasn't right.

He check it again and again.

and the result was the same..

Bai Feng Jiu was pregnant!

It was still at an early stage, no wonder he couldn't catch on the life force inside of her. It was still a flickering flame. But he was glad he was able to confirm it. There was indeed another life inside of her. It made him smile, he never knew how it felt to have his own son. But he looks forward to have a family with her. Such thought would have never existed if he didn't met her. But now.. all the reason to keep her safe. He wouldn't want her to suffer again. He was determined to keep her safe at the cost of his own life. However he wasn't planning to die, he was cunning enough to overcome every obstacles. He who once ruled the universe wouldn't just lay down his life to the hand of destiny. He can forge his own path.

Once he wiped away the stain of blood on the edge of his wife. He gently kissed her lips and lay down besides her. He used his arm as her pillow and started to caressed her cheek lovingly. His beloved wife should remain safe and sound for as long as he live..


Hi Alice here!~

So finally the continuation of My Love Story is here!

Yes this is sort of like season 2.

That's why it took awhile. Cause I needed to build up the plot soo-

I am not sure if anyone still remember or not-

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