Chapter Seven : A Terrible Fever

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Ever since FengJiu took the medicine from Yan Chiwu her body became extremely hot like she was being burn alive, everything hurts.She was laying down on the bed weakly with hardly any movement, there were times where she was gasping for air all of the sudden when she felt her lung was being squeeze out, choking her from inside.

The King Of Medicine diagnose that the pill she took for some reason was mix with a rare herb from the demon clan and it was incompatible with her essence.Yan Chiwu explain that after receiving the pill , he was stop by Jiheng who said wanted to observe the said pill he was quite sure she wouldn't do anything to it..but now there was doubt in his heart..Yan Chiwu felt the immense guilt on him and did his best to help the King of Medicine to prepare an antidote for her.

She haven't seen Dijun every since she was sick..then she remember after the celebration of her Aunt wedding it was LianSong's flower festivals which it said to bring prosperity to heavens.Perhaps he was also busy...Remember LianSong was also a close friend of Dijun, she dare not to ask more about him.

After a few turns on the bed,FengJiu was gasping for air again.It was like there was something inside her that is trying to choke her live away and stealing away her essence.There was even times where blood would start to drip out from her mouth making her cough in pain.

Bai Qian who was by her side could only give her some of her essence to reduce the pain for awhile , she wanted to give the blood from her heart but was stop by Ye Hua.It is said that the blood from a nine tailed fox can increase one's cultivation by tenfold or prolong someone's life.But it was also a dangerous thing to do, she had done it before for her Shifu ,Mo Yuan and it almost cost her life.

After receiving Bai Qian's essence, she could finally fell into a deep slumber where her body wasn't in pain..

"She doesn't deserve to suffer like this Ye Hua....and where's Dijun! he said he will take responsibilty on her! yet he is nowhere to be found!"

The High Deity couldn't contain her temper anymore.Seeing her family in pain was heart breaking, Ye Hua who was hugging her firmly in his arms only coax her gentlely,assuring that Dijun would held onto his words...

"She done so much for him..yet he never once glance at her! for 2000 years ! she chase after him !"

Tears well in her eyes as she looked at her beloved pleadingly,she was lost.Her eyes relfected her emotion and Ye Hua was wash with sadness seeing his wife suffer from this as well.

"Rest assure QianQian, DonghuaDijun isn't someone who will goes against his words."

...even though he can be a big bully..but Ye Hua kept that to himself knowing he shouldn't pour more oil on his beloved.Both Bai Qian and Ye Hua decided to leave FengJiu alone since she was asleep and they didn't want to disturb her.Migu was left infront of her chamber just in case if she was having another attack.

Drifting in her sleep, FengJiu was just laying down in nowhere.Everything was dark..but at least it was peaceful..her body wasn't hurting anymore and she wasn't struggling with her life.If she could just stay here..that would be fine too.

The smell of Sandalwood linger in the air, it was too thick that almost cause her a headache..But still she find it soothing..

A pair of strong arms was firmly wrapped around her waist as she was leaning against something warm..Her heavy eyelids slowly lift up..the first thing that greet her was a view of herself in a thin night gown,soak in a tub with murky water.She could smell the herbs in the water mostly the one that prevent fever such as ginger and so on...but some was unknown to her.She didn't even know when did she even move from the bed.Everything was hazy,nothing came in her mind.

She was about to lift her hand,but the pain strike again and she whimper from it . She could feel a warm air from behind and slowly she glance over shoulder..A silver haired deity clad in royal purple robe was also soaking behind her as he held her tightly by her waist as if he knew she had no strength to even sit up properly..


Her voice crack but at least she could utter the words properly besides from whimpering from the pain..His eyes was darken at her sight and it send a shiver down her spines..She couldn't read his face since it was stoic as always only his eyes would reflect his own was mix with anger and guilt..The smell of sandalwood now mix with the smell iron, there was a large cut on his shoulder that was still building, his robe was tattered and barely covering his collarbone..Usually the sight of his collarbone was well hidden but right now it was expose..

She wanted to ask where did he disappear to but nothing came out from her mouth..she could only stared into his dark eyes with a soft gaze ..She was quite sure he went to bother LianSong all this time..but why is he hurt like this right now?..a sigh escaped from his lips as he gentlely stroked her head and pull it closer against his chest.


..that was the only thing he told her to do.He was also tired from travelling all this while just to get the herbs to stabalize her essence, since the herb he retrieve was extremely rare called the 'Night Ratan' he venture to realms and fought beasts that was guarding it along way.The fact he was hurt was because he protected the herb with his own body since it was almost destroy by those beasts that guarded it.If it wasn't because of that he could has slay them with no effort.But having them targetting the herbs was troubling even from him.But he didn't care about the wounds he receive..It was all worth it.Saving his fox was the most important things..maybe for others FengJiu didn't even worth even a single of his hair but to him , she was something precious to him.She was a delicate treasure.

FengJiu didn't said a thing and only close her eyes..her bare skin was brushing against his and that cause her pale skin turning into red.She could feel blood rushing all over her body and just hope that her heart wouldn't betray her..but it did

Her heart was beating hard.Feeling him this close against her was taking a toll for her heart.She couldn't remain calm and burst with a cough, waking up the silver haired deity who lift her chin with his thumb and slender index finger before bitting his lower lip, hard enough to let it bleed and kiss her hard just to slip his blood into her mouth causing a big shock to her!


she who had no strength just now was gripping onto his robe tightly when he suddenly kiss her and tasted the iron in her mouth,it was perculiar for her that each time she swallow the blood, her pain lessen and for some reason she didn't push him away..and instead she was curiously licking his lips..causing him to flinch a bit and stared into her eyes curiously.She keep on licking his lips for a brief moment as she slowly gain back her strength while holding onto his arms tightly before she backaway a bit and sink into his chest comfortablely as if nothing happen.

Dijun didn't said a thing..perhaps this was just a dream?

He only hugged her waist while his other free hand was brushing against her dark raven hair,he made sure the water was warm enough to optimize the herb's effectiveness.The warmth that was enveloping around hers was making her sleepy again..even though she hardly does anything..she felt tired anyway..

"Sleep now Xiao Bai..when you wake up everything will be fine..."

A gentle kiss was press on her head and it made her smile.Even if this was a dream she was in bliss, having Dijun being this gentle and kind to she wish this moment could last forever.But it was just a dream and when she wakes up, everything will be back to normal and Dijun would not be this caring anymore...

"I am afraid that when I woke up I won't be seeing you again.."

she mummered softly like a gentlely wind that brushed over him.

"You will be seeing me the first thing you woke sleep.."

A sudden happiness wash over her..even though the light was dim because there was only a small luminous pearl that light up the room she could still seee the soft gaze that Dijun gave her..and that made her fell in love with him once again.

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