Chapter Three : Unfortunate Event

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Her body hurts! Every inch of her muscles feels like it was being prick by a needle! It is all his fault!

Donghua Dijun!

First of all he punish her to dance..then he gave her some heavy clothing that made all of her movement even harder than before.Even if she is talented, she rarely dance nowdays after all she musn't bring shame to QingQiu.Dancing is said to be for mortals to entertain others thus it wasn't practice much by immortals unless for certain reason.

The door of her chamber was forcefully burst open by a loud demon making Fengjiu frown,pulling the quilt over her head to ignore his existence.It was still early for a fox to be up! and he is supose to be a demon!shouldn't he at least sleep till noon?!

Unfortunately Yan Chiwu was a demon lord and not just a demon thus expecting such a thing was quite impossible..He was wearing all black again with his sword besides his slim waist.Yes his figure was pretty much like a delicate woman but a tall one.

"Come on!stop lazing around! Even A-Li is awake!"


she pretend to be asleep without answering him ..hopefully he will leave her alone by now..but of course if only that happen.

She was wrapped by the quilt and lift up by him on his shoulder as he casually carry her on shoulder and walk out from her room.She struggle inside the quilt and scream in distress which pretty much got ignore.

A-Li was clapping his hands in amusement while giggling innocently at his aunt sight,it was really fun having his aunt around after all!

Yan Chiwu dropped her flat into a pond with a proud huffed making her scream even more.


With that both A-Li and him immediately lift up their robe a bit and sprint away from her knowing that she was going to explode 
.Who knows what she will do if  she caught them, either skin them alive or drown them !which they rather not to!

If it wasn't because of the thick quilt she will probably be suffering more right now.She lazily leaned her back against the edge of the pond and sighed.She could hear all of her bones cracking each time she move.Just as she was about to get out of the pond..Donghua Dijun was there staring at her blankly..he didn't help her but instead only stare at her as she strunggle to get out from the pond.

"It is seem you are close to the Demon Lord"

His cold gaze meets hers, sending shivers down her spine.Her thin robe cling onto her skin tightly,showing every curves she has.She immediately hug herself and look down.

Why was he here again?--He doesn't even usually goes out! and he always find her in the most embarassing way...She should just ram her head into a tofu and kill herself.

"Why are you even here, this is not even where you usually walk to"

"I heard a loud scream that was disturbing , so when I came here I saw a little fox in the pond trying to catch fish.I guess your aunt didn't fed you well?"

he said with a sarcastic remarks.Which doesn't really matter to her as she pull herself out from the pond along with the soaked quilt.Now she really does smell like a fish.

a purple robe was place on her shoulder which she immediately shrugged it off.If she borrow this that means she have to return it later on, meaning she have to meet him again.But he stubornly cover her with it anyway.

"I do not dare to borrow your robe"

"I don't care, just use it then return it once you wash it"

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