Chapter Nine : Debt

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FengJiu sighed to herself. She was at where she used to be, being in love with someone who could never love her in this world.True he once said that if he didn't remove his name from the Rock of Three Lives he would fall in love with her..but what is the  point? He already remove his name ages ago. The reason was to avoid worldly feelings as wars was breaking and he was a ruler that must not be bind by emotions.

Another sigh escaped from her lips.She bury herself against her arm and yet again sigh-

She was wearing a simple white robe with a white jade pin on her hair.She was just relaxing in DongHua Dijun's study room ..after all he was out saying he had things to do and may come back late.

In a way that sort of made her feel lonely..but at least she can avoid Dijun for awhile.

"Little princess is there something bothering you?"

She almost forgot that the Star Lord , Si Ming and Chengyu was here.For some reason Dijun forbid Yan Chiwu from coming here if he is not around-The reason was he does not trust him..but let us be clear here..does Dijun even trust anyone? he never shows such emotion and it's hard to know either he trust someone or not.

The voice of the Star Lord broke her day dream as she avert her gaze from where Dijun usually sit in his leisure and let another sigh escape from her again.

"...I am having the same trouble that happen 2000 years ago ..."

Si Ming also choked on his tea and it literally slip from his hand onto his lap as the steam could be seen on his robe noting that the tea was indeed still hot while Chengyu was looking at the little princess with sparkling eyes as she clasped her hands together in delight from hearing it! Chengyu had always play a part as a cupid for FengJiu and it seems she can resume that part once again! this time she will put extra effort to make sure that stone hearted immortal fall in love with FengJiu!

"Little know Dijun had already tell you that you guys are no fated to be toge--"

before his words could even finish Chengyu had push him aside with all her strength and sat closer to Fengjiu before swiftly taking out her plain white fan and fanned herself.

"Psshhh, fated or not ! that doesn't matter!heavens will take pity to those who works hard! that's why you should not listen to those ill omen! it's stupid! just follow your heart! I will always be here to support you"

Hearing it from Chengyu soften her heart a bit..the heart that aching all this time stop for a moment..there was actually someone who would support her..and that made her happy.She look at the immortal besides her with hope and replied..

"But he will kick me out if he knew about this..."

" Then don't tell him yet you silly girl! before this you been trying to pull him to you!how about this time you play hard to get?"

"hard to get?"

FengJiu was dumfounded...she heard about it in her Aunt's books..but never tried it before.

"but Dijun does not even care for me ..if I acted like that he would just brush me off and happily live his usual life"

Chengyu lightly hit her forehead with the fan remember that the stone hearted immortal wasn't an easy man.Those hard to get plan would only work on frivolous people like LianSong, the third prince of heaven.

"But if..I remember correctly, you are living in this place right?"

"that's true..and Dijun is usually around me within a distance to make sure nothing happen to me.."

Chengyu pondered a moment.There was a few ways that she could think up that will works, but then a smirk tug on her lips and it send shiver down Si Ming's spines..the immortal wasn't up to something good! Dijun..whatever happen..he didn't do anything! so please so have mercy!Si Ming pray from the bottom of his heart that nothing bad would happen to both Dijun and little princess-

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