Chapter Twenty-Three : A Gentle Heart

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It has been 3 months since Feng Jiu regain her memories , she been sticking near the silver hair immortal all day and night. It was almost impossible to see them apart especially in Tai Chen Palace. And of course the return of Feng Jiu, The Queen of QingQiu was a good news .. however .. only those in Tai Chen Palace knew about it. It wasn't going to be easy to announce her return and a lot of preparation was being handled by Dijun. Dijun was quite busy handling that and not to mention the awakening of Miao Luo wasn't really something to be taken lightly. Miao Luo is the demon queen that was sealed by Dijun near the Fanyin Village. Miao Luo was as strong as Dijun so it wasn't easy to kill her so Dijun had no choice but to sealed her instead with most of his cultivation before. It been years and appearently she became stronger that the seal couldn't hold her any longer. Miao Luo has been preparing herself to break free from the seal which taken the shape of a tree that engulf her and only leaving most of her upper part out but her hands was clearly restrained by vines. Miao Chasm was starting to leak out from the seal that demons could feel their former ruler was returning. Yan Chiwu was quite close to Tai Chen Palace before due to his friendship with Feng Jiu.. that was clearly disapproved by Dijun. For the sake of demon world, Yan Chiwu decided to report the matter to Dijun with the help of Lian Song of course.

While The Blue Demon Lord was reporting to Dijun that afternoon.. Feng Jiu suddenly appear and it left him speechless! His eyes was wide open, did he miss her so much that he is hallucinating?- has it been that long? Feng Jiu who was caught red handed barging into Dijun study room was sweating a bit when she saw both Lian Song and Yan Chiwu and could only gave an awkward smile to them. The reason why she was there because she suddenly felt a strong urge to be with Dijun.. but didn't know he had guests today- Feng Jiu wore her usual red robe and her hair was beautifully decorated with light ornaments that was hand made by Dijun himself. Appearently during his free time while she was gone, he would made things that reminded him of her.

" Bai Feng Jiu greets the Third Prince and the Blue Demon Lord"

Even though she been living as a human for quite sometime , she still remember the etiquette in the Heavenly Realm even though Dijun never really care about it anymore whenever they were together.

Lian Song wasn't expecting to see Feng Jiu here either.. in fact Dijun has been acting quite lively was probably because of this.. and by lively it just means he is back with his sarcasm self again, before he was like a walking corpse- he had no soul in him even when they play Go.. it was just pure silence but now he had fun teasing him... well it make sense he is happy now but! He need to hurry up and announce about Feng Jiu existence before things get out of hand.

" Xiao Bai come here"

Hearing those words escaping from Dijun lips, she quickly ran to his side and hide behind of him like a cute little fox. Dijun would playfully pat her head even though only a small smile tug on his lips. Feng Jiu knew she screw up big time.. well she will she appease her husband later on... Unknown by many those two has secretly gotten married in Tai Chen Palace , at first Feng Jiu strongly disagree it but she came to acknowledge that their current circumstance it won't be easy to hold a proper wedding. But at least they got their name officially registered as husband and wife by the god of marriage , it was better than nothing after all. Dijun gave her a beautiful jade ring that was embedded with his cultivation.. though who would dared to even bother a high goddess such as herself? Even the Heavenly realm wouldn't dare to raise their finger at her. But Dijun was still worried, she was reckless and young even though her experience in the human world has help her becoming more matured.. he was still worried.


Yan Chiwu who froze for quite sometime finally snap after seeing how Dijun and Feng Jiu being so close with each other as he would rush to her but was push away by Dijun who stare at him with a cold gaze. A sigh escaped from Lian Song seeing how possessive Dijun was with his fox as if The Blue Demon Lord was going to steal her away which would never happen since they were only closed friends. Yan Chiwu continue to persuade for answers while Dijun continue to push him away from his wife, Feng Jiu couldn't stand it anymore and just decided to telll them everything. There was no point of lying about it, sooner or later they will discover her anyway so it was better for her to explain properly.

" so you are a high goddess now?! But you still look weak.."

A kick drop to Yan Chiwu stomach that send him flying across the room. Her strength was indeed no longer on par of a goddess but high goddess like her aunt.. But her aunt was stronger since she cultivated herself more than Feng Jiu, but it doesn't mean she was weak. Her martial arts and sword skills became more refined due to the fact that she was once a general in the human world. The kick was strong enough to knock out Yan Chiwu yet Feng Jiu would only smile innocently at both Dijun and Lian Song. Dijun was quite proud of his wife action while Lian Song felt a bit sorry with the demon lord.. but at least it wasn't that bad.. maybe a few broken rib cage but he will still survive! Even though it only been three months since her awakening , Feng Jiu didn't slack around at all - in fact she would diligently trained every day with Dijun's guidance.. even though he was strict and she gotten injured a lot from it,she didn't gave up. She wanted to become stronger to protect him. He have suffered a lot for her, this time she will protect him! But it was still a long way before she can be any used of him. Sometime, Chong Lin would spar with her whenever Dijun was too busy with his works.

But there was time when she felt tired and fell asleep all of sudden without her knowing. Whenever that happen, she would stuck in a dream where a woman that was sealed in a tree was calling to her. She was beautiful , but at the same time she was deadly. Her smile was alluring however dark aura was lurking around her. Each time Feng Jiu tried to escape from her , she would end up back to the same tree as if she was running in a circle... Feng Jiu knew something wasn't right thus she started to study more about dreams with the help of Si Ming, who was also suprised to see her alive but was at ease as well.

" Well it is almost dinner time , I should start cooking now. I will take my leave now Dijun and Third Prince"

With that Feng Jiu took her leave and headed to the kitchen with some faries following her from behind. After Feng Jiu, was completely out from their sight Lian Song finally look back at Dijun.

" How are you going to explain this to Qing Qiu? I advice you start looking for Bai Qian first. It is better to appease her first after that you guys can think up something. Qing Qiu already have bad relationship with heaven ever since she died"

Dijun who was now sitting down at his throne look aloof as always, but he knew he have to thread this matter carefully. He would then pour a cup of tea for himself and sip it slowly.

" I am preparing for that. I won't be able to marry Xiao Bai officially if I didn't do so . Xiao Bai seems to be taking marriage matter quite seriously so I will need to wrap it out soon"

Lian Song could only sight and pray that things would go on smoothly. They need to mend back their bonds with Qing Qiu. They are a powerful clan that they can't afford to lose...


"Just a bit more.. the red aura will finally be mine once again!Dijun can no longer stop me once I get hold of that red aura!"

It seems that Mia Luo was able to located the red aura who she been searching all this time.. which belongs to A red Nine tailed fox that reside in Tai Chen Palace!

Hello everyone!! How have you guys been! It been awhile hasn't it? I am sorry for the wait as always. I am still busy with real life but I was excited to write this chapter so I decided to finish this one as soon as possible! Hope you guys like it

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