Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Way To Be Together

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The Emperor Lord, Dijun didn't expect that his wife would somehow intertwined her fate with Miao Luo. Of all thing, it had to be his arch nemesis. Then again, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. Feng Jiu was no longer a pup anyway. He trust in her abilities as she have been training hard to cultivated her energy. Now, the other thing was to tell his wife about something important, so that she wouldn’t be reckless. In a way it was to bind her as well. He knew well how reckless she was and it wasn't something he would take it lightly.

" Xiao Bai, there's something I need to tell you "

Currently, his favourite fox was in his lap snuggling him up. After the cold war and everything Feng Jiu became extremely spoiled. In other word..her mood swings can go 180 degrees in the most unexpected time. Luckily,  Dijun was used to it. In fact now that he was better at reading her, there would be time where he would still tease her. It usually end up with Dijun sleeping in his study room however. He didn't mind it anyway.

" hmm? Wait is it Dijun? "

She tilted her head cluelessly, she was looking at him with her cute smile as soon enough kiss would land on his cheek while she continues to be meek.

Dijun.. really hate ruining such moment, but the sooner she knows, the better it was. Otherwise.. she may turn TaiChen Palace upside down with her aunt. Before bawling her eyes. He can picture it all now clearly.

" You.. are pregnant with my child "

" A? "

Feng Jiu was left speechless.

All sort of expression could be seen on her face. She was clearly in shock, happy and confused with his words.

Dijun couldn't help but to think how cute his face is right now.

" who was pregnant again? "

" you, Xiao Bai. You are pregnant with my child "

" ME?!! "

She was still young, and yet she is now bearing Donghua Dijun's child?!

Well of course she was happy with it, she always pray so that one day they will have their own family. However , how did she get pregnant?! H-how many times have their slept together?!..

Her face flushed red and that was the cue where Dijun could tease her.

" you are thinking of something perverted "

He shamelessly point it out while kissing her head in affection while his hand was slowly landing onto her small waist.

In return, FengJiu turn even redder. In fact it was already the same shade with her robe. The more reason Dijun wouldn't let her go from his embrace.  He tightly lock her safely in his arms despite being punch playfully by his little fox.

" how long have you known about this ? "


" y-you knew even before this and you didn't told me?! "

Feng Jiu was even more outrage now that her punch started to pack more impact in it. Still, Dijun wouldn't let her go. Because if he did she will avoid him for another week. He doesn't want to go through that again. Luckily just like he predicted,  her mood swing would slowly calm down as she was now burying her face against his chest silently.

" I'm sorry. I did it out of my own selfishness. "

She was suprised to hear that. Dijun was someone who is said to selfless and indifferent to others was confessing he was being selfish. Somehow deep down in her heart she was happy to hear that. Maybe she was the first person to be able to move this stone hearted god.

Her guessing was right, she was indeed the very first lover and wife he ever had in centuries. She was the one who taught him love, who chased after him for so long that he could no longer be indifferent toward her. And now all he care was her safety and their child. The child was still a small flickering flame, it will still be a long time before it would come to this world.

"... fine ... you Probably had your own reason to do so "

She was trying her best to hide her happiness but it was obvious she was being giddy about it. Dijun who could easily read her expression was feeling relieved,  at least she was happy. The result was better than she expected.


" Dijun,  I want to put an end on Miao Luo "

The sweet and sour fish that was being held by Dijun's chopstick immediately plopped back to the plate as he looks at his wife dumbfounded.

" I know I may sound ridiculous for saying that.... but..she have same aura as I did..I feel like we both are somehow connected with each other because of that. That's why, if she could steal my cultivation in such way, so could I "

His little fox wasn't stupid, even though she loves to cause mischief he knew very well how smart she was. Now, she was no longer the little fox that needed to be protected but a high goddess. Perhaps the trial she went through paid off, it has help her to grow into a beautiful and dignified lady. A strong yet gentle one. How lovely his wife has become however he would never wish to use her for the sake of the seven realms.

" It's  dangerous "

" I know, but even Dijun couldn't kill her. I am the best shot we currently have. I wish.. for our child to be born in a safe world. So please let me help you. I'm not as weak as you think I am "

A soft sigh escaped from his lips. There's no way that he wouldn't be worried. She is her one and only wife. The only girl he ever loved. The only goddess he would fight against the fate to be with.

" Please Dijun, Trust me. "

" I understand,  but I won't let you do this alone "

She felt proud that she was able to win against him. He was reluctant to agree with it still but at the same time he trust her abilities as he have watch her grow with his own eyes. So he knows her abilities the best.  All her hardwork, as she struggled to adapt her own cultivation.

" But how will you do that "

The high goddess look at him curiously while tilting her head. But he decided to answer her question by feeding him a sweet sour fish

" Let's eat first Xiao Bai, the food will get cold otherwise "

Since he keep on stuffing her to eat more, she had no chance to ask furthermore about the question during the entire dinner time. Her husband always know how to wrapped her around his hand-

Oh well, it will work out somehow.

She thought, all she need to do now is strengthen her cultivation furthermore with the help of Dijun and her Aunt, Bai Qian.



also we are near end game dum dummmmm!

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