Chapter Eighteen : Pain

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Ever since her encounter with the silver haired immortal her peaceful life no longer exist! How she miss the peaceful life she had before! She doesn't even know why did she even obey him -It is as if he was someone that she can't disobey.

Her heart for some reason felt a longing whenever she is with him. When he is around she felt relax even though she stay away from him but when he isn't around.. She felt relentless.. What is going on?! Her head is hurting from all of this!

The silver haired immortal comes and go ad he please without saying anything. Sometimes she caught him watching over despite holding a sutra of buddhist scripture.He never avert his gaze as he gave her a longing sort of gaze that she couldn't understand much.. There was a hint of sadness in it like he knew her very well.. Yet never said anything.

"...So.. Dong Hua..... "

The young lady clad in red robe was approaching very much carefully while he was sitting in aloof on the tree branch as his royal purple robe was hanging on it.

Hearing her voice sooth the pain in his heart as he raise his eyebrow indicating her to go on.

"so.. Why do you say I am your wife?  Even though I never once met you before... "

Her voice was soft like a whisper in the wind. She leaned her back against the tree as her eyes was fixed on the silver haired immortal. Her long silky raven hair was untie as it flutter in the wind like an illusion as it captivated others with it's alluring features.

"In your previous life you were the Queen of QingQiu and you were devoted to me since you were little. You always follow me around even when you were young... But things happen and you disappeared.. But now I found you again. This time I will make sure that I would protect you properly "

Even though his expression was cold like ice.. Yet his voice was fill with warmth and determination. His eyes bore into hers and for some reason it made her flush. Those dark eyes was deep and hollow yet whenever his gaze fixed on hers it would soften and bring her warmth. His stories sounds ridiculous and unbelievable.. But his existence itself is unbelievable. Of course.. Normally no one would believe his existence, but seeing him disappear and reappear as he likes how could she not believe?  And his aura... Is impossible to be described by words,It was too divine.

"QingQiu? Is it a land of fairies or something?  Does that mean I am a fairy? "

Once again she look at him with a dumbfounded looks. She was quite sure she is just a normal human being who didn't received any blessing in her life and now this? Is she getting a divine punishment or something?

"A goddess actually,but right now you are indeed a mortal."

The silver haired immortal gaze was now lock back to the Buddhist scriptures and the young lady could let out a soft sighed as he indeed answered her question yet she felt something was missing... Yet she didn't know what it was or was it even important?

A sudden pain started to strike her head and she decided it was wise for her to rest instead which she did-just under the tree,  she sat there and took a nap without caring much about the world.

Little did she knew there was a sudden storm coming their way. The sky darken as darkness veil upon the world,  the thunder strikes down like a raging dragon as it shatter everything in it path. It was odd though.. This wasn't the work of the goddess in charge of the weather.. It was.. An unnatural event-

The silver haired immortal knew something wasn't right.He swiftly landed on the ground without making a sound as he cast a barrier that would protect FengJiu. The barrier was emitting his red aura, it was powerful and connected directly from his soul thus as long as he is alive,  It is impossible to harm FengJiu.

His gaze soften seeing how peaceful she was despite all the raging thunder that was striking down but he decided to cast a sleeping spell anyway. While his back was still facing at the sky- the raging thunder started to strike his back like a whip without any mercy. But the pain was bearable enough for him not to lose his conscious.


The lightning was as strong as the one that is needed to pass the trial to become a high immortal. It wasn't a suprise that blood started to dripped down from his lips.. Yet he remain calm and compose.

"So this is how Mo Yuan felt when he protected his student huh... "

Again the thunder strikes him down without any mercy, who ever witness this would have known how painful it was that the robe was now slightly torn-even though it was supposed to hit his soul directly.. In a way perhaps this was also his trial?  To be with the one he loved even when they are not fated to be.

"ugh... "

He thought that it was only a few strikes just like the usual one.. Yet it was more than that.. It was like when one is about to become the crown prince-it was more harsher and painful, he could feel his back being burned yet it wasn't.The thunder echoed down from the forest to the nearest town. The townsfolk was afraid to leave their home as this was yet the most frightening storm that ever happen as echoed so loudly that children started to cry and the priests started to beg mercy to the gods above.

Even the Heaven Lord himself was surprised by the storm as the thunder even echoed throughout the realm causing quite discomfort to all. No one exactly knew what was going on except for Dijun who was the one suffering from the pain.

Yet he didn't submit to the pain nor did he even fell down to his knees, instead he remain calm as always even though the smell of blood linger in the air. He has lost half of his essence.. Yet it was still bearable-he just need to take a nap for a few hundred of years then he will be fine.. But of course he can't let FengJiu be left unguarded.She was just a mortal if anything were to happen to him again-It will drive him crazy.

"..destiny oppose us this much huh.. Yet I never really care about it existence even until now. "

Once the storm fade away yet the dark sky remain-Dijun lifted the barrier and carries his wife in his arm, every movement he did was painful ..yet being able to hold her was a bliss.He walk toward the hut and left her on the bed,  he wrote a simple note saying he will be gone for awhile.

Even though it is only awhile in the heaven-it will most likely take years in the human realm,  a day in heaven equal a year in the human world after all. Thus he can't be gone for too long, who knows what his reckless fox would do? And thus he left a guardian in his place-it was an Earth spirit, it took form of a persimmon tree that remain in a slumber unless there was something invading the place. It was good enough to fend demon away and besides,if it was killed, Dijun would be teleport back to this place immediately.

With that, the silver haired immortal retreat back to TaiChen palace covered in blood. Everyone was in a panic. SiMing-the star lord,  the one who wrote destiny for human almost fainted from the sight. This was indeed a rare sight for them to see the most respected god in the realms badly hurt and it cause an uproar that even the last Phoenix God, Zhe Yan came to treat him personally-it was that serious after all.  Dijun didn't say nor told anyone how he got injured and no one dares to question the old god. Zhe Yan however suspected it has something to do with the storm that shocks the entire realms.

Once his wounds was treated he immediately meditates to recovered even faster but the sudden energy that course through his vein was a bit too much for him when he was this weak causing blood to dripped down from his lips once again. It was already half a day-he needs to return soon,  the little fox will surely be in panic by now.But before he knew it everything was swallow by darkness.


Thank you for the wait everyone! I know I said I will update more often but writeblock hits me hard during vacation //cries//

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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