Chapter Fourteen : Sweetheart

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It been a week since they stayed in Fanyin Village.It was about time for them to leave.But FengJiu pleaded Dijun for them to stay a bit longer, because there will be another festival held on.It was the Maiden Festival, and FengJiu had always wanted to know how it was celebrated here after all QingQiu and Fanyin Village didn't had a close relationship thus it was impossible for her back then to visit.But since she was now imposing as someone else , why miss the chance to attend it!

The festival starts in the evening , and it was still early so she had some time to kill.Mostly to bid farewell to her friends and dragging the demon lord with her who was too emotional for his own good.Sometimes she he really a demon? he was quite kind but his vocabulary suck but at least he can still talk properly and attending the academy helps him a lot.

Demon are known for being aggressive and brute.They speak with their fists not words, thus the reason why the demon lord's speaking manner was quite bad but still good enough to fool people..most of the times cause infront of the royal family besides Meng shao and his cousin, he will keep his mouth shut tight and let FengJiu do the talking.

The young queen and the demon lord was sitting besides each other with a heavy sighed.They were getting a good scold from their teacher who used to teach them daoism.And both of them pretty much cause trouble each time it was his class.Either by locking him up in a tunnel that he fell or burn his seat when he was about to sit down.

They were too michievous for their own good and they always get away from their punishment by escaping before getting caught but today since they had to bid everyone a goodbye they had no choice but to confront him.Which he gave them a piece of his mind.The teacher was already old,his beard was white and long until his chest, his hair was neatly tied up with a hairpin.He was wearing a green tunic and a snow white robe.His eyes was filled with furious and both of them had to suffer for hours.

"..I can't feel my leg"

"me neither..."

Both of them couldn't even get up even if they wanted to.They fell flat on the cold ground and burst into laughter.It was their last day to be together as brother and sister.The demon lord honestly didn't know that people from Deity clan was actually this playful, he heard they were all elegant and hypocrite stuff.But she was different,she wasn't exactly like those he had heard about.

The snow that was piling up around them was sinking them in.They gaze up to the sky as it was paint with the colour of blue to lightly orange.The golden hue no longer bask them.But yet there they were,laying down on the ground for half a day.

"It a good thing we are immortal.This is not our last meeting you know.If I get marry with Jiheng I will invite you as a special guest"

A proud smile beamed on his face.She look at him for once to observe the flawless face that was envied by girls .His well shaped face, his flawless snow white skin and dark eyes was more alluring than most girl--Yet he was a boy.Thus, gaining jealousy from girls throughout their stay here.He even once thought up that he could save up a beard but the young queen didn't agree with him- It was impossible to hide his beauty much less trying to disguise it with a beard.Even though beard represent masculinity ..this demon lord was too pretty for his own good.

"If you get marry"


The young queen was tackle to the ground once she sat up-The demon lord shove them flat on the snow and literally buried half of body in it.FengJiu who fell flat on the snow frown.Both of their face was covered with snow , no need to even mention their hair-Their jet black hair now spread on the ground creating a beautiful contrast of black and white.The demon lord was sitting in front of her with cross legs and grin in proudness!She could only shooks her head to get off the snow but suddenly stop when he leaned sligtly closer.

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