Chapter Twenty : Frost Blood

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It tooks her months to completely subdue all the rebellion that happen across the borders. Before she knew it, it was already winter. The frostbite was cripping under her skin, even under her thick coat she could still feel the coldness of the winter. Her soldiers was exhausted but content with their success under her leadership -the Red King. Even when their bodies was full with sores they could still bear it to celebrate their victory. They still have a few days left before returning back to the Capital. Right now they were busy cleaning up the rest of the rebellion to make sure everything was clean and the Empror would be please.

FengJiu, The Red King that lead her troop to victory was resting in her tent while others was celebrating their victory by drinking wine. Even though she have high tolerance against wine, she rarely drank those during war. A part of her love the thrill that she felt when taking lives, but apart of her wish for salvation for them. She felt conflicted. Words can't describe how she felt whenever she wield her sword. It is as if she wasn't herself, yet she was aware of everything she did.

She buried herself underneath the thick furry blanket and sighed heavily. Her body felt heavy, she was tired. It was no joke to carry this mission out. She sometimes wonder if the Silver haired Immortal was looking for her... But it was impossible anyway.. He been gone for too long, he probably forgotten her and married someone else that is more beautiful than she was ,who was probably full with grace-a goddess... And she was just a mere mortal. Being his wife was just nothing but a fleeting dream!

"To begin with he was the one who chased after me! And yet I am the one who is longing for him now?! ARGHHHH--AM I OUT OF MY MIND"

The red king would groaned loudly as she ruffled her own hair with both of her hands in confusion while kicking her legs against the bed. Her soldiers that was about to dropped off her foods would flinched from the sudden tantrum that their general was throwing inside her room.

" Ahem, General we are here with your food..."


FengJiu almost fell down from the bed. She quickly fixed her messy hair and took a deep breath praying they didn't heard her tantrum...which they did anyway unknown to her that is...

" Just Leave it on my table"

Her voice was icy cold as always as she was now sitting at the side of the bed instead with her now neatly tied hair with a red ribbon.

The Soldiers immediately placed the tray filled with food down on the table. The foods that was served to her was a bowl of seafood porridge and a seaweed soup to keep her warm as well as some roasted yam that everyone knows she loved it the most.

Once the soldiers took their leave, she quickly sank back to the bed with a groan. Gods know what rumours she will be hearing after this about her well at least she will be back home in a few days after reporting back to the Emperor, it was already too tiresome for her to stay her any longer. She can't wait to laze around under the peach blossom soon while drinking wine. It would be a blessing indeed. And it's freezing now, so wine would be nice to warm herself up. She wonders if the peach blossom trees was still there or not. Well it would be sad if it is no longer there but it can't be help for it is how the cycle of life is.


The parade that was welcoming the soldiers back from the war was lavish as always. She didn't know why they spend so much on the parade, she find it as a waste of time. But at least she will still be rewarded. Thus she doesn't care about such a thing.

She rode her black horse head high, without even glancing down at the crowd. Yet the people was admiring her even more, admiring the Red King that came back after months of duty in the borders. Her soldiers however was carried away by the parade and indulged themselves from the victories that they well deserved.

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