Chapter One : Fateful Meeting

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Bai Fengjiu , she was the only grand daughter of the Fox King ,Bai Zhi. She was love by all especially her aunt who spoil her rotten. For 300 years she was force to learn in the academy in QingQiu to improve her cultivation and skills as one day she may face a trial to ascend to Higher Goddess like her aunt.. or not..She was the only red nine tailed fox that exist in this world and her beauty have awe countless of deities.Thus gaining popularity throughout the nine realms.But no matter who the suitor was she never once was swayed by him and instead that person was chase out from QingQiu harshly much causing headache to the Fox King.

No one can oppose her when she throw tantrum except of course her father and aunt. But her cunning mind always get pass through their plan especially when it comes to marriage she was indeed smart for someone who is so young and held the title of Queen of QingQiu.Even though rumours said she was pure like the snow as she would never even hard an ant..that was actually far from the truth.Throughout the years she has sharpen her skills more and more compare to back then when she was still a cub her skill was nonetheless now peerless and said to be extremely gifted.

Thus , gaining more and more popularity..which pretty much annoys her..that even gray wolf in her class often tease her about it which was repay by her by shaving off all his fur and stick him to a tree for days by tying him up with a powerful magical rope that was infuse with a small amount of her essence..Poor wolf, but he got what he deserve

Let just say, you wouldn't want to mess with her. Her temper is known to be extremely...pain in the neck despite her innocent looks and delicate figure and rumours about her..which was mostly about how merciful and gentle she was..truth to be said that was not what she was, though she still act like a Queen,she would never bring shame to her people.

"your highness!your highness!I have a big news!!"

Migu exclaimed loudly while rushing to Fengjiu side who was scanning through her paperworks ..which was giving her severe headache and hearing his voice that loud made her frown.If it was about something stupid, she will make him pay dearly.

"Aunt is getting marry in 3 days! She ask you to come to heaven as soon as possible and stay with A-Li since she will be busy with rehersal and hoping that you would help her "

Hearing that,her ears perk up.She stare at Migu for a brief moment with a hint of happiness glittering in her eyes.Her Aunt finally getting marry!after all the suffering she went through to be with him, she deserve that happiness!...but at the same time she was jealous..she..never had a chance to be with the one she loved..But still happiness overwhelm her!Her Aunt happiness should be celebrate here in QingQiu as well , her people would be delight.

"Migu , spread the news throughout QingQiu , and later we shall depart to Heaven, make sure to prepare all the things we need"

The old tree spirit that was guarding the Fox Den for ten thousand of years where the Bai Family had reside, bow his head obediently to the queen before disappearing from her sight.

She was excited but at the same time afraid..that she might meet him been 300 years..perhaps he has forgotten her.After all she was nothing but a small red fox in his eyes.Why would he even bother to think about her?

A deep sigh escaped from her lips, she buried her face against the papers before inhaling deeply, mustering all her courage to move forward rather than being bind to the past.He had cut off their relationship and she must do the same , foxes may be extremely stuborn but once the job are done they will not turn back.

She is the proud Queen of QingQiu.She was no longer a small fox.She will heed for her people and not her trivial feelings.May her pray be answer that everything will turn out just fine with her staying heaven..may she able to avoid hardship..and Him

Avoiding him is a must! That is something she will have to work hard!

...then again he hates crowded place so the chance for him to be there is thin! then there's nothing to be worry off, she will just be enjoying her days with her little dumpling, A-Li and perhaps spend time with Cheng Yu , the third prince's crush .Cheng Yu was the one who helped her back then in heaven besides Si Ming, the lord of Star who serve under him..Well let's not think about it much now! she should be enjoying this month for her Aunt sake!


Not much change since she last visit heaven during her young days, besides that it is now decorated in a grand way for the Crown Prince's wedding which is her Uncle in Law Ye Hua.

Even the entrance now looks even grand especially seeing the peach blossom petals scattering up in the air without touching the ground as it sustain itself like a guide way to the wedding venue..while along the way was decorated by paper lantern with drawing of small foxes playing around as they move around the lanterns as if they were alive in it.That was indeed a touch from her Aunt, it was adorable and represnt youth.

The gap between her Aunt and Ye Hua was more than 90 000 years yet their love was more important than anything else in this world as Ye hua would do anything to be with his wife ..Which much gaining jealousy from their own child A-Li after each time he tries to sleep with his mother, his father will steal her when he is asleep.

Arriving to the little dumpling place she was greeted by his babysitter NaiNai who serve under her Aunt, Bai Qian.She was a fairy under the mountain and loyal only toward her mistress who soon become the crown princess.


she said so softly with a gentle smile.She was wearing a white dress that cling to her figure quite well,and layer by another white robe that was slightly transparent just enough to show her curves a bit.Right on her forehead was a where her birthmark was, the flower phoenix, bringing out her peerless beauty even more.Her raven hair was dancing in the air as the wind caress it softly like she was the most delicate flower in the world.

"A-Li greet Queen of QingQiu"

the small boy bow his hand for a moment before running toward her and hug her legs, he was happy to see his cousin again after all she rarely visit heaven.How could he not be happy having her staying with him?

"oof, I see you have gain a lot of weight A-Li"

she almost stumble down from the impact but was able to regain her footing, she stroked his hair gentlely and proceed to take a walk with him around the garden .



she called out for the tree spirit who was nowhere to be seen, she was holding a few branches of peach blossom, some was to brew in tea and some was to decorated her aunt's room. She wander carelessly without paying much attention and end up bumping into a man , which made her lost her footing and almost fell down.But the figure quickly wrapped it arm around her small waist to prevent her from falling.

The scent of sandalwood filled her lung and a strong breeze pass through them..the arm that was wrapping around her waist was someone she known quite well..He was the first Heaven Lord and once rule the universe, he wield one of the strongest sword in this world with was CangHe that could easily cut people into two with so little effort..and also her first love...who she has chase for 2000 years but was rejected..even during her coronation his sight was nowhere to be seen..

She look into his gaze which was staring at her softly with a hint of amusement in his eyes, his striking silver hair was as always beautiful and he was wearing a purple robe as always , he was still tall and looking young even though hundred of years had pass..


Her gaze then immediately turn to his right side..the third prince of heavenly realm was standing besides him with a fan over his lips..he was clearly..amused

She immediately broke away from his embrace and bow her head politely to pay respect for both of them.

"Bai Fengjiu greets Donghua Dijun and Third Prince"

with that , she lift her head and sprint away in embarassment-Okay she didn't run but she walk fast enough to disappear from their sight within seconds.

note to self, she should beware of her surrounding more!

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