Chapter Fifteen : Fading Away

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She still couldn't believe herself.After more than 2000 years of chasing him,he finally came to accept her. She was confuse to be honest, when did he even love her?

Yes he once said he would fall in love with her if he didn't remove his name from the rock of three incarnation.The rock that write destiny about immortals love ones.They are not meant for each other, what will happen if they were to be together?

She was scared but happy at the same times.She was worried that it might cost DongHua Dijun's life.She rather sacrifice her live for him.

They still haven't met with her parents and her aunt to make their relationship official.She didn't want to rush it like what she did in the past.She would take baby steps rather than losing him.But Dijun wasn't that please with it.


she called out for his name softly.She rarely call him by his name,but it please him to hear his name utter in such manner by her but he decided to ignore her.He was holding a sutra of buddhist scripture as always while playing with the cup that was once filled with tea on his left hand.

She knew he was sulking..but who thought the oldest god in the world could sulk?

Her aunt has taught her one thing, even though immortals doesn't really need food to stay alive,lust on the other hand play an important part for immortal who can became husband.But there was a small problem.They are not married yet.They only got marry in mortal realm .Besides that,she actually isn't good at the art of seducing..even her mother had to give her a lesson about it yet she fail to understand it.

"DongHua Dijun.."

She called for him ever so softly against with a hint of pleading in it.She even sat on his lap just to catch his attention..but in the end she was the one who flush-Maybe this was too sudden--She was about to pulled away but his arms was locked around her waist.

"l-let me go!---"

The silver haired immortal before her was amuse,he furrowed his eyebrows and look into her eyes with no trace of emotion.

"why? just now you were tempting me so much now you are backing away Xiao Bai?"

Her skin flush even redder! Her whole face was burning, she wanted to ram her head into a tofu so bad right now.

"d-don't furrow your eyebrows like that..."

She almost choke herself just by saying that.He was too close that the smell of white Sandalwood was overwhelming her.


He was oblivious.Is his fox trying to toy him around?

"I am tempted to kiss you..."

Her voice sounded desperate now,she was still struggling to get away from him but was pulled even closer to the point there was no gap between them.

"You have my permission"

She couldn't believe what he had said! how shameless he was for saying that bluntly while teasing her!She wanted to sulk so bad but her lips meet his.She couldn't let this chance slip away from her.She indulge herself on kissing him so much that her hands found it way around his neck.She didn't know for how long her lips was attach on his cold lips but it felt too good to be real.

When she pulled away her eyes was misty.She was observing her husband to be 's face with such affection.His skin was flawless just like all of his refined features.He was too perfect to even exist.How come someone who is said to be virtue be such a shamless person bullying a junior like her?

He place a soft gentle kiss on her birthmark and that made her flush once again.The kiss travel down from her cheek down to her neck.His cold icy lips was brushing against her skin that was getting even hotter from his touch.His hand made way to her long jet black hair as it ran through it with full of affection.He was so gentle to her, but she felt a sudden pain on her neck, he was sucking onto her skin that it sting but he continue his journey down onto her shoulder as he swiftly pulled her robe down a bit to reveal her milky white shoulder.

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