Chapter Twenty-Five: Is it a dream

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Almost everyday Dijun has been trying to coax his little fox, but he was coldly brushed away. He heard from Lian Song and Si Ming that pregnant woman can be quite handful so he have no choice but to stay strong with it. Besides, seeing Xiao Bai pouting and puffing her cheeks was adorable that sometimes he couldn't help but to pinched those snowy cheeks.. of course that would just anger the fox even more and end up with his hand being slap away-

A week has already pass yet there were no sign of Feng Jiu opening up to him. Sometimes he was tempted to use a potion on her that she would forget about what had happen, but it was better not to. She was a High Goddess and such potion would only work for her for a few months. Even though Feng Jiu started to neglect her health, Dijun has been feeding her with a medicine that was mix with his blood during her sleep. Luckily, Feng Jiu was a heavy sleeper since he been sparing with Lian Song and sometimes with his Uncle-In-Law, Ye Hua thus she would be extremely exhausted. He knew she been doing so because she was disappointed with him. But he is trying his best to make up with her.

The cold war went on until one day Dijun decided to break the ice;

" Xiao Bai.. we need to talk"

Feng Jiu fummed and quickly turned around once she heard his voice.

Dijun as if he could read her mind quickly grab her wrist and pulled her in his embrace. How he missed feeling her warmth and hearing her heartbeat. Even the small flickering flame in her womb was getting stronger. He is one step closer to having their own family, another small fox that will run around the palace.

" I will tell you everything so will you forgive me my wife?"

Feng Jiu stared deeply into his eyes. She was trying to search the truth from it, but all she could see was his love for her causing her face to turn slightly red. For awhile she stayed in his embrace and finally gave in by returning the hug and leaning the side of her head against his chest.

" Let's go to the study room and I will tell you everything hm?"

with that Feng Jiu obediently followed him to the study room.


She wasn't expecting it was something this serious! and Dijun has been shouldering this on his own? she felt a pang of regret for acting coldly all this while despite him being busy with Miao Luo. Dijun has told her that, in the near future he might not be able to be by her side for awhile and needed to recovered by falling into a slumber for a few years. Much to her discomfort of course. Recently Yan Chiwu has contacted him and reported that Miao Luo was slipping into the demon kings dream telling them to go against the heaven. Feng Jiu knew what it means.

War is coming!

Her eyes started to heat up. She couldn't understand why she felt sorrowful. Every since her fight with Dijun her emotions became way too understand. Sometimes she would love about the stupidest thing in the world, the next thing she know she was bawling her eyes out.

If that wasn't terrible enough. She keep on dreaming about a lady. Half of her body was stuck in a tree and she was wrapped in vines. As if she was a monster being sealed. She didn't  know who she was but she keep on pulling her to grab the vines. Each time it gotten worst, cause for some reason Feng Jiu would get closer and closer to the mysterious lady. As if her body wasn't her own anymore. Luckily she would wake up inches from touching those vines.

Is she going crazy? 

she wanted to tell Dijun about it but he was already busy with Miao Luo so she decided to hold back.

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