Chapter Seventeen : Under the Rain

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If she could choose to isolate herself from the world, she would have done so.But she can't.She was dragged out from her house forcefully thanks to her adopted brother who is too energetic for his own good! He always takes her out to watch a play.Appearently, it was his favourite thing to so whenever he is free...but it would have been better if he didn't drag her though...

"Come on, This place serve good tea! don't put on a long face FengJiu"

The girl clad in red robe frowned.Wen Chang was looking at her like a puppy to win over her as always. He may be her brother and older than her.But he was too childish for his own good.

"It's my day off,yet you are just using me to repel your those girls to watch the play peacefully"

Wen Chang almost slip down from the chair, he was suprised to see how FengJiu can easily read him like an open book.

"H-How did you know?!"

FengJiu didn't intend to answer his question and instead play with the small cup of tea in a loof.

The shop was quite big,it has two floor and the play is stage on the first floor. The second floor give a better view of the play thus, the siblings sat on the second floor.The place was filled with people but most of them are nobles thus the place was calm rather than noisy.

Wen Chang was pretty much enjoying the play while being talkative to FengJiu on how the plot waa great and how unique the costume was. FengJiu pretty much listen to everything he says while munching the pumpkin seeds though the words didn't stick in her head as the moment it came it, it immediately slip away.She didn't know when did she even doze off, but she did.

Once again, she was dreaming of a silver haired man. He was beautiful, it was like he was bless with good looks. Who knows how old he was..perhaps 20 years old something? his face was well shaped and his eyebrows was just perfect for him, he was flawless..She feels like she knows him...yet she could not recall anything...

'Xiao Bai'

That person always call her by that name.He held her in his arms and she felt safe.Never once she felt this safe with anyone..He didn't speak much,but he caress her like she was the most important thing in the world.

She loved it.

Though it may just be a dream but it felt real.She can even smell his scent.It was the smell of white sandalwood, if one is not used to it, it will probably give you a terrible headache.She had been dreaming about him everytime she fell asleep.Time seems to flow fast whenever she fell asleep though.

When she woke up, everything was dark. The shop was closing soon and it appeared her brother had left her due to his duties or so he wrote on a small paper. She is used to this though, cause he was busy as the minister of education and he is a hardworking man. Whoever marries him, would probably the luckiest girl in the world but their in laws will probably cause them a headache, which is none of her concern.Marriage is a pain.

She walk out from the shop and stretched her arms. A small yawn escaped from her lips as she head back to her home.It was quite far from the town but she enjoy the peace. Though as she continue on her journey to her home, she felt something was following her.She held onto the hilt of her sword and hasten her footsteps. But that presence easily catch after her , she felt a sudden terror. That thing was not a human! It was a demon, a half human and half snake. It had four arms and they were wield swords! the red eyes glimmer in the dark as she tried her best to out run it. The demon's tongue was long like a snake as it keep on hissing while it chase after her .

The forest she lived was usually peaceful and this is the first time she encounter a demon in here.The demon throws it swords at her but she swiftly deflected it with hers.She turned around and charged toward the demom instead, the demon grinned in amusement seeing it's prey heading toward it.

But the demon didn't know, that the prey it thought was easy...was a skillful swordman. Like a beautiful flower, all her moves was graceful but the cut that was inflicted on the demon wasn't, it was sharp and accurate down to it bones.The demon yeld in pain.It dark blood pooled down on the ground as it gush out from it wound. FengJiu wasn't done as it used to the nearest tree to support her jump as she leaped onto the back of the demon and beheaded it in a flash.

"It was a good thing Wen Chang isn't here"

cause once again she bath in the blood of demon as so her sword. The forest was dark and eerie but the moonlight light up her path.She headed back to her home while dragging her sword.She didn't enjoy the smell of blood on her clothes and sword. Good thing her robe was red thus, it the blood wasn't that visible. But the blood on her cheeks and hands was obvious cause her skin was milky white.

Her house was near a river and it was convenient for her since she always bath in blood.She sat down on the grown and started to wash her face and hand before proceeding to clean her sword.Her sword was sharp but she felt like it became a bit dull thanks to the demon's blood.

Once she was done,she went inside the house and change her clothes. She wore a simple white robe and let her raven hair loose.She took out a bottle of fermented fruit wine and sat under the peach blossom tree, right besides her was a paper umbrella. It looks like it was going to rain and she just clean herself so why should she risk to get wet from the rain.

Just as she was relaxing, a striking silver haired man caught her attention and at that same moment rain started to pour down. She quickly stood up and open the umbrella as she walked to the silver haired man in a rush. His eyes was dark yet the moment he sees her, there was a hint of light in it.

She sheltered him from the rain as she felt a sudden nostalgic feeling fluttering in her stomach..this person looks exactly like the person in her dream..the strong scent of sandalwood..the striking white haired and the royal purple robe..It completely took her off guard.

They stood there for awhile without talking as only the sound of rain accompany them. She could feel the cold rain striking her back yet her eyes was still fixed on his.It was as if she didn't want to take her eyes off from him.

"..who..who are you?"

she muttered softly like a whisper. The man before her however was please to hear her voice yet he looks cold like an ice.

"...I am..DongHua your husband from your previous life"


FengJiu felt like something snap inside her head and with that she turned around and started to walk away- this person was delusional! she was crazy as well for standing there like an idiot!

But before she could take another step, the silvered hair immortal appeared before her and caught her waist and hand to stop her from walking away.

"You don't believe me?"

"..let go of me!how dare you touch me! I am a man! not a woman "

Amusement glitter in his dark eyes as he leaned closer to her neck and pushed her completely against him.Which in return made her face turn deeply red.She struggle to escape from his grips but it was futile.He was stronger.

"You are my wife ,Xiao Bai"

with that he let her go which at the same time the rain stopped,the umbrella fall off from her grip as he suddenly let her go. The name then ring in her was the same like the one she dreamt..this person looks exactly like the one she always dreamt.. she suddenly felt a longing to be inside his arms but immediately brushed it away! who knows if he was some sort of demon or something!

FengJiu stormed away into her house as she could hear a chuckle from him.He appeared to be happy from her reaction! how thick skinned can someone be!


I am finally done with my finals*cries*
sorry for making you guys wait! hope you guys still remember me ---

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