Chapter four : Little Fox

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Donghua Dijun swiftly place the little Queen in his arms onto his bed,he brush away her hair from her face as his gaze soften..Indeed he held her dearly that was without a doubt.Even if he doesn't shows it, he still care about her over this 300 years.

For 300 years, The Star Lord, Si Ming was the one who reported back to him about Feng Jiu each time he went to QingQiu to visit her.Even though Dijun never asked him to do so he didn't exactly ask him to stop.Sometimes he would observe her in his silver mirror just to make sure she was indeed safe.They may have cut off their relationship but that doesn't mean he had forgotten her.

He observe her face for a moment before running his fingers against her long raven hair,earning a childish smile from her as she scoop closer to him, knowing he was the nearest heat source she could get.But in process she was getting closer to him, her thin robe became slightly loose , showing off  her pale skin especially up to her thighs.


Dijun was about to backaway but she was quicker.Her arms firmly wrapped around his neck,closing their distance.She was still smilling childishly as Dijun only stood there still.Each time he tried to shake her off,her hug tighten even more.Their face was inches away before she decided to bury her face against his neck,he swallow hard feeling her breath against his skin and sighed.

He keep on running his finger against her silky hair as he let her cling onto him so much while pressing herself against him to the point there was no gap between them.But..He didn't find it as a bother.He even tuck her hair behind her earlobe as his gaze soften even more.She was indeed beautiful only second to her Aunt, Bai Qian.It's not like he is not used with beautiful women, he had lived for eons and seen countless of beautiful women yet..FengJiu was the only one who can stir his heart.He trace his finger against her birthmark-the blooming flower phoenix and  a smile tugged on his lips.

Her skin was smooth against his touch,she was so small yet strong enough to hog him for herself.Since he couldn't escape, in the end ..he decided to take a nap and later on think away to escape from this situation since she was still sobering up, she won't be waking up sooner or later.


"Is that your new fox?"

The third prince ask curiously as he was about to place his white tile , looking at the small red fox on Dijun's lap who was sleeping soundly,gripping onto his robe tightly as it claw was digging against it.LianSong was don in his usual pale colour robe with a fan over his lips,observing the fox curiously..The fur was extremely beautiful and shiny and it must been taken care quite well to be that pretty.

"hmm not really"

LianSong was Dijun's partner in playing Go(a chinese sort of chess) since the only high immortal who have a lot of free time besides himself was LianSong, thus they are a good buddy...but Dijun often tease him anyway..and he is quite known to be sharp tongue thus not many immortal dare to come to TaiChen Palace.

"I was thinking of adopting Bai FengJiu as my goddaughter..what do you think"

LianSong almost choke on his own saliva.First of all Dijun never care about worldly matter and second of all he never had a goddaughter over this past hundred of  thousands of years..this was the first time he heard something like this and causing him to open his mouth big enough that you can shove chicken eggs into it.But because of that statement he almost lose against Dijun in Go.

"That's an intresting suggestion, I am quite sure the Bai family won't mind..except for Bai Qian..cause you and Bai FengJiu have history with each other.."

Not just any history, an ill fated love..It was really painful for Bai Qian to see her niece suffer just because she wanted to be with the one she love even though they are not destined to be.Fox are really persuasive once they lay their eyes on someone they will become determine to be with them despite all the odds.

Dijun was in a deep thought for a moment..true it will be hard for Bai Qian to agree with him..unless Bai FengJiu herself agree with him..which is also another trouble..but he find it amusing..after all he have all the time he needs in this world why  should he rush everything, he will just need to plan it carefully with details.


It was almost time for Bai Qian's wedding but FengJiu was nowhere to be seen.It was odd considering the fact she was here because of her aunt.Even the demon lord haven't seen her since yesterday.It became even weirder,A-Li was anxious as well hoping that her aunt is safe and sound and perhaps she was just lost or so...

When the wedding was about to start countless of colourful birds started to circle around the heaven as if they were celebrating the wedding between the Crown Prince and the High Goddess.The wedding was indeed celebrated in a grand manner and it is said to be one of the largest ceremony yet in the history.Countless deities came hurriedly just to pay a visit of the new Crown Princess.

Bai Qian was clad in a beautiful red robe that was heavily decorated with quartz and golden roses down on it hem that was brushing against the floor as it flutter in the wind.While her hair was let down and was pin with a black jade that was shape into a was probably from Ye Hua as it was a mark that she was his.The red veil then cover on her head and only her red lips was visible.Seeing the well shaped red lips emerging from the grand carriage that was carried by soldiers clad in white armour, they knew it belong to Bai Qian.

Even though half of her face was hidden by the red veil she could still see everything clearly under it.Bai Zhi, the Fox Emperor guide his daughter down the altar with her hand on his arm.Tears well in his eyes but he had put a strong front for his daughter.Near the altar , she see Zhe Yan, the old phoenix who was close to her family and others..except for her niece..then she notice the purple robe immortal was at top with a red fox on his lap..she knew who it was-And there's must be a good reason on why she wasn't in her human form..

The black figure could be seen at the top of altar, a few stairs under the heaven lord as a smile tug on his lips,seeing his wife coming closer to him.He was clad in black robe as always except it was his Crown Prince robe which had a silver dragon design on his back that was indicating he held the title of Crown Prince.

The ceremony was continue and FengJiu could only whimper on Dijun's lap..appearently she had lost control of her essence and now she can't revert back to her  human form! how stupid of her to get that drunk for this to happen! not to mention she didn't even know why she was in TaiChen Palace in the first place..all she know Dijun said she break into his chamber and lung onto him before turning into a fox..she pretty at that time want to ram her head against a tofu but was stopped by Dijun who carried her in his arms to the wedding ceremony.

'..I am a bit hungry..'

FengJiu thought silently as she press her paws against her stomach and look at Dijun who was sipping tea..but he then took notice of her and called out a maid to prepare some snacks for her..he did remember that she haven't ate anything once she woke up since she literally freak out at that time and ran around the TaiChen palace in panic.

When the snacks was serve she gobble up everything while watching the ceremony being held up high...since Dijun is after all the most respected deity in the world so of course his seat was high up.Once she was finish with the snack she sighed happily and leaned her head against his lap.She still haven't forgot she was the queen of QingQiu and musn't behave badly even if no one knows who she was right now.But leaning was Dijun was an okay right? after all it's not like she was doing anything rude to him..

Feeling Dijun stroking her back, she leaned even closer against him as her tail wagged happily, placing a paw on his lap before leaning her chin against it.

Dijun wasn't looking at her but he knew she was content and so was he.Having her by his side was pleasent.But he could feel Bai Qian was glaring at him under the veil and a certain grumpy demon lord as well.He took no intrest in them and continue to spoil the small red fox .

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