Chapter Two : A New Friend

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"Aunt!Aunt ! hurry up! if we are late we can't greet the guests that will attending the wedding!"

Her small cousin was walking ahead from her excitedly while she was walking slowly, she was still sleepy from talking with A-Li till late night..if she was in QingQiu, she would problably be asleep by now and woke up in the noon..

"Your highness"

She was suddenly greeted by a man in blue robe who was holding a scroll, he was the immortal who was in charge with human's destiny.The Star Lord, Si Ming, her old friend.

"We are old friend, there's no need to be so polite to me, just call me like how you had always been doing,Si Ming"

A soft chuckle escaped from his lips as he walk besides her while they follow A-Li , catching up the years they had lost .Even though he often visit QingQiu, she still feels that it wasn't enough! he was a good friend of her and she wish to talk more with him.

As they arrived at the front gate of seem they have increase the decoration lavishly.There they could see a parade of immortal descending down at the front gate,but what caught Fengjiu's sight was a pretty man clad in black..his beauty could rival her fourth uncle for sure! Uncle Bai Zhen.Though the pretty man who caught her sight,was wearing a grumpy face.He was taller than Si Ming, his figure is delicate like a woman and his skin was pale white which contrast to his clothing, bringing out his charm even more.

"That's one of the demon lord , Yan Chiwu.He was invite to the wedding to strengthen the bond between Heaven and the Demon world.Behind him is Princess Jiheng, she belong to another fraction of Demon World"

Fengjiu only nodded as she watch Yan Chiwu disappear from her sight while A-Li was completely taken away by the grand parade by the immortals..well that's a good thing at least he won't disappear from her sight.

Si Ming had to bid her farewell since he was also busy taking care of the Mortal Realm, she could only sigh seeing him walking away before walking with her cousin around the Heaven .He said he will be her tour guide..but she was more worried about it, after all he is known to have no sense of direction..

After a few hours, they indeed end up getting lost...They only took a short trip and yet they had been lost more than 2 hours now..

Appearently, they were not the only one.She saw Yan Chiwu sitting on the ground while hugging his sword as if he was sulking...perhaps he was lost as well?

"Bai Fengjiu greets the Demon Lord Yan Chiwu"

..though he didn't reply and only huffed once he lift his gaze to look at her before looking down again.

"You are lost too? we are lost as about you join us?"

after all she can use him if her Aunt was going to be mad for disappearing for hours...after all she can just say it is his fault

"Mister looks so pretty"

A-Li said so sincerely but instead earned his glare which he hid behind her.

"Don't bully a kid, he was just being honest.Look its up to you to follow us or not but here, a small gift"

She gave him a pack of toffee that was shaped like small foxes , nicely wrapped with a paper and tied with a blue ribbon

"Don't you dare pull stupid trick, if this is poisoned I will go on a war with QingQiu"

he spat coldly..yet he look at the toffee with a hint of happiness glittering in his eyes as he took one of the toffee and eat it.He was lost for hours so of course he was extremely hungry..and the toffee was divine! it melts in his mouth and the sweetness was just good enough!

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