Chapter Sixteen : A New Start

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It been ten thousand of years since Bai FengJiu has left this world to the realm of nothingness.QingQiu grief for more than a thousand years over their loss.The young queen was loved by all and adored by her family.The only high goddess that exist in this world lock herself away from the world with her husband as she could not bear the loss of her favourite niece.However, there was one high deity that didn't believe that the only red nine tailed fox has die.Instead he secretly started to search for her throughout the realms.

The silver haired immortal that was respected by everyone rarely step outside the TaiChen Palace, it was said that the high deity was a close friend to the young queen thus he also grief over the loss.But truth to be said, he was still searching for his fox all these years.

The TaiChen Palace wasn't a place where anyone could easily barge in.But back then, when the news of the red fox has disappear from this world the Blue Demon Lord,Yan Chiwu break into the TaiChen Palace to lash his anger to the silver immortal who appear to be calm like nothing else matter.The young demon lord regretted that he wasn't by her side when she needed him.She was like a sister that he never has, yet his family now is gone. It was said that he even visited QingQiu to see her grave..yet they said she disappear into nothingness but there was a grave that they made for her.He did paid a visit to it every year,bringing her favourite food while talking to the grave like she was still alive.

After a few hundred years had pass, it is said that Dijun has wage a war against the red demon clan as they found a trace of the red demon lord at where Bai Fengjiu's last breath.That alone was enough to anger him, not even the HeavenLord dare to say anything when Dijun wage the war against the red demon lord who was crush mercilessly. But it didn't quench his rage especially when he found the dagger that was used against his fox.He could feel the trace of her essence linger inside it.He knew very fell there was little chance for her to survive from it.

When he was about to kill the demon lord,Jiheng came to plead him to stop.But that didn't stop the storm that was raging inside him.The sword CangHe was bath with blood yet the thirst for revenge was endless.The moment the sword slit the demon lord's neck, the silver haired immortal turn around and walk away.The battle didn't even last a day, DongHua Dijun was indeed the oldest god ever exist and his strategy was flawless, that's why no one in this world dare to wage a war against him...except the demon lord who dare to touch what his.

But every night, he was able to dream his beloved fox who came to him,being all needy and childish.But even in dream he couldn't save her, he was force to witness her death .She was wearing a simple white robe, her phoenix blossom mark was alluring as it ever was..he knew this was a dream yet he indulge himself in her touch.It felt so real.He didn't remember how many times he told her that he loved her but it didn't stop him anyway.But at the end of the dream,she will die in his arms,calling out from him .

" musn't forget about me..."

How could he even forget about her? he was ready to defy his fate yet destiny stole her away from him.Destiny once again reminded them that they are ill fated.It was destiny again who is making them suffer. He should know better that destiny was more cunning than he could even imagine. He underestimate the destiny that was wrote for them. He however didn't want to lose to destiny.He was still sure that the red fox was still alive somewhere..

"Dijun, you can't keep locking yourself here.The HeavenLord is worried about you"

The third prince of heaven was perhaps the most closest one to Dijun besides Si Ming,But even Si Ming was griefing over the loss of his friend so he was usless to bait Dijun out from the palace.

"Have I not always been here alone?"

The words shot straight out from his cold icy lips.He shows no imtrest on going out from his Palace.Everyone know he was keeping himself busy with a lot of things that sometimes he hardly sleep for weeks.His aura however was strong as always, even when he tired himself out , he rarely sleeps.No one knows why.

"Everyone knows that,but you look like an undead now"

But Dijun pay no attention to what LianSong had said instead he was playing with the plain tea cup in aloof. LianSong knew that even though the great god appear to be calm..he was griefing over his loved ones...The third prince knew very well how deep his love was even though for others Dijun was an emotionless deity who does not care about wordly matters.Truth to be said,he wanted to die as well knowing that she no longer exist.The ray of sunshine that he long has disappear and so his heart once again harden.

The ill fated love wasn't bless, yet those time he spend with her was a blessing, he would go back through time just to be with her again for one more time.

There was time where he would visit the place he first met her, the small fox who gotten into a trouble that he had safe.She was young and full with energy, she would have lived long...if she didn't fell in love with him.

"Undead? am I now..perhaps I am"

Even though LianSong was just joking it appeaer Dijun was still in a foul mood.Who knew that the oldest god cause grief for this long? he sure have learn it just now.

The oldest god emotion was remote but LianSong knew well that it was because of his red fox.


The human realm was quite lively today, the were celebrating warriors that came back in victory from war.The war was tough but they manage to over turn the table and gain victory.They didn't just suffer a huge loss compare to the huge war before them.It was said that the victory was guided by a wise general that was clad in red.He was extremely beautiful for a man that women envied him.His milk snow white skin was flawless but when he held his sword, he was like a raging storm that destroy everything in it path.

The wise general was said to be adopted by the family Li.The noble family Li actually has a son but their son health was weak yet he was gifted and well received by others.His adopted little brother however was not well received and pretty much his existence was ignore.His only purpose was to serve as a tool in the Li family.But when he won the war that they thought might have killed him, he was bestowed with a title and a fortune for himself.Thus,the Li family could no longer use him to the fullest for their own good.

The boy clad in red and dark raven haired had done a lot of terrible things for the Li family, from killing to being a spy and the list could go on.He was so skillful that no one ever caught him red handed.But now since he was free he live a live in aloof.Drinking fermented fruit wine under the peach blossom tree where his house was hidden away deep in the forest.

He pretty much enjoy being alone more than being accompany, he does not have much sweet memories when he was adopted but he was greatful that he was raised well by them.


a loud chirpy voice could be heard heading toward her.

Yes the man who everyone thought was too beautiful for a man was indeed a woman.

"Wen Chang you are too loud and don't call me by that name"

The young man was gasping for air as he stop right infront of her.His pure dark eyes stare into hers as a bright smile beam at her.He was quite handsome and talented even though he was still young.He was only 16 years old yet he was already a minister in the education department.He wore yet a simple plain black robe yet he appear so majestic befitting his role in Li family.

The girl who keep on sipping the while shifted her gaze toward the space besides her urging him to sit down since he looks so exhausted.He probably ran his way here.As brother and sister they were indeed close.BUT Wen Chang had no idea she was a girl.Though he knew her real name cause she happen to mumbled it during her sleep,luckily she didn't expose her gender.

It was trouble being born as female thus she hid her gender since she was little so she wouldn't be force into prostitution.Since she had no family and was abandon the brothel was the only choice if she wanted to live as a woman..which she rather not to! she rather abandon that thought and became a man so she could work for living and be free.

Even though she was said to be the little brother, she was actually older than he was.She was already 20 years old but yet she find herself being oblivious with love which was a good thing,such a thing was not important to her.


I am so sorry for the late update ! hope you guys enjoy it---
I am just too busy with university life so I will be slightly hiatus.

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