Chapter Eight : Falling In Love Again

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It was the first day of LianSong's flower Festival.It was grandly celebrated after the wedding ceremony.The deities who came to visit prolong their stays just to  witness the beauty in Heaven. Even though it was well received by others, there were two people missing from it.Donghua Dijun the renowned Master of Universe that was well respected by others and the beautiful Queen of QingQiu.For Dijun not attending such an event was normal.He always hated crowded place anyway..the one that raise the most curiosity from other deities was Bai FengJiu,after all everyone knew she was still in Heaven but no one has seen her after the first day of the wedding along with Dijun.

There were countless of rumours about Bai FengJiu and Dijun ,that wasn't clarified by others but no one actually dared to voice it out.After all no one in this world ever dare to disgrace DongHua Dijun.He who no longer hold any position was still well respected and even the Heaven Lord didn't dare to question his decision to do anything.He was someone who people keep his potrait hang on the wall , someone that can never be within their reach.

Yet here he was,sleeping on the same bed with the Queen of QingQiu as for his reason was ' this is his bed, everything in the TaiChen Palace belongs to him'

And the Queen who was still in recovery couldn't deny that.Knowing how thick skin the immortal besides her was, she just pretend that he didn't exist..however his scent wasn't helping much cause everytime she fell asleep,for some reason her arms will be around his neck.

if she recall properly she even place a small divan between them, but everytime they sleep it will disappear.

QingQiu wasn't a strict country thus sleeping together in one bed wasn't a big problem.But Heaven was different- Who knows how those immortals will react knowing she had shared the same bed with Dijun..She would probably ram her head into a tofu if that ever happen.It was a good thing that Dijun never once mention about the incident when she had a terrible fever..who knows what had happen.Her memories was all hazy and vague.All that she remember was Dijun was the one who prepared the bath that allow her to recover.

But for some reason, each time she was near Dijun her heart would beat even faster than usual! It was troublesome but Dijun only act nonchalantly and it save her face.But he do tease her a times whenever she accidentally hug him or so.Sometimes she couldn't control her instict to be near him..which by far wasn't a big deal for both of them..but it became a habbit,being close to Dijun sort of made her feel like she was safe and no one would hurt her. There was a downside from this though, her feelings for him was starting to resurface again..but he only treated her like she was his daughter ..nothing more than that...


Her heart was aching,each time her feelings started to resurface she immediately push it away.It wasn't easy especially when Dijun keep a close eye on her because she was under his responsibility until she was completely heal..the road of recovery has no short cut so you can't expect her to be fine within a few days or so.

"Xiao Jiu..Xiao Jiu..little brat!"

Bai Qian lightly hit FengJiu's head with her Jade of Purity Fan that was in her hand.Her niece who for some reason looks like she was in daze.Even though her health was getting better but mentally she was still weak..and now she is love sick.She knows that gaze quite well , she heard of it before from a mortal play, it was indeed a love sick.

"A-Aunt! what was that for! don't you still love me?"

She started to whimpered and pouted trying to win over her aunt.She was staring at her from her lashes and frown a bit when she didn't paid any attention to her since the High Goddess was casually eating the almonds with her fan on the table.The were sitting under a tree near the Pundrika Pond besides TaiChen Palace.The scent of lotus linger in the air as the lotus dance on the water whenever the breeze carries their scent across heaven.The pond was also a favourite sport for Dijun to fish.

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