Chapter Twenty-one : The Loving Little Fox

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She slept for three days straight.  Her body was exhausted, she didn't want to eat or even eat.. If it wasn't because her beloved self proclaim husband  forcefully feed her with medicine.. The taste.. Was out of this world.. As in

It was horrifying at how disgusting it can taste! But she was too tired to cared and continue to sleep in.  Sometimes she wanted to spit it out.. But felt it was too rude so she decided not to.

The cold silver haired immortal  appear to be in a good mood that made LianSong question about it- LianSong,  the Third Prince is known to be a gossiper so it wasn't surprising he would sniff around when interesting happens in heavenly realm. Besides that, he was a close friend of Dijun.  And he is commonly found lingering around the TaiChen palace.

Currently he is at the kitchen trying to cook some sweet sour fish.  He just caught a fish at the pond he usally reach sutras and fish in aloof, so it was wise to make it as soon as possible so he can feed his beloved Xiao Bai.

LianSong would have come with Si Ming but unfortunately he was busy with the human world so he decided to come alone instead. Besides that, he had heard the silver haired immortal had brought back a woman who was rumoured to be his wife. As far as he knows Dijun only had eyes on the Queen of QingQiu who unfortunately died due to an  assassination or so they said, many had grief over it especially the former heaven lord and her families. Nevertheless who knows what is going on in the oldest god head. He is someone that is quite hard to understand...and he came from a rock.So perhaps that's why?

" Dijun .. you know the smell of the fish is too DIVINE that it reeks even at the entrance of the Palace"

It was a sarcasm.

Heck, if anyone were to inhale this..they would puke on the floor but they wouldn't dare knowing that this Palace belongs to Dijun..unless they have a death wish. But LianSong was known to be quite blunt with Dijun anyway. While Dijun..he was oblivious and instead forcefully fed LianSong with the sweet sour fish before he can even reject it or even reacted to it- His reflex was too slow to be compared with Dijun anyway.

LianSong wanted to faint- The taste was horrid. He had no choice but to swallow it and it felt like he was swallowing poison. His head became heavy and his skin became even paler. The servants of Tai Chen Palace could only look at him in concern while Dijun continue to plate the dishes in aloof. 

The Servants quickly dismissed when he head out from the kitchen. They didn't want to became the next victim after all. Seeing how the Third Prince of heaven was struggling with it and being forgotten by Dijun they couldn't imagine what would happen to them. They were mere fairies, they most likely won't be able to survive from such deadly cooking by the former heaven lord.

FengJiu who was resting on his bed was sleeping peacefully..until a certain foul scent made her jolted from the bed. She would rubbed her eyes a few times before letting out a big yawn. She glance around to see where the foul scent came for but unfortunately she sees nothing. Is she hallucinating? Did DongHua perhaps gave a higher dose for her? but then again she was recovering quite well.. there's no way he would be doing that.

She continues to ponder on the reason but then soon heard footsteps coming closer to the room. She swiftly brush her hair with her fingers to straighten her messy hair a bit. She been sleeping a lot and now she looks like a mess. Her robe was constantly changed by The silver haired immortal, at first she did retaliate it.. but then again she was took weak and needed more time to recover. But even now he still spoils her a lot and continue to do it. It was embarassing- she was aware that he is indeed a MAN and claims to be her husband. It still something that is hard to believe but it was better than dying on the street because of corruption in the kindgom that she once serve. Oh well, she didn't regret the dirty works she did. She did all of it to survive after all. She even hid her gender and killed people from inside, the list could go on but she didn't want to dwell into it too long.

" It seems you are awake now"

The cold voice belongs to her self proclaim husband- Dong hua. He was holding a plate for some reason and it made her head tilted to the left a bit curiously. But then, once she inhale the air, her nostril was burning- she now knew well enough where it came from. It was definitely from the dish he cook. She didn't even want to taste it, she was too scared to even try a bit. But knowing Dong hua , he would probably force her to eat it...she need to escape but how?!

"Dong hua.."

she said softly, her voice sounded calm..but inside of her head..she was wrecking up reasons to avoid eating his cooking at all cost.

The silver haired immortal however only raise his eyebrow a bit prompting her to continue her words. She only look at him with a wry smile for awhile until an idea pops in her head!

"I-I want to take a bath!"

she said eagerly and quickly approach him with her eyes fill with hope. Dijun however..frown

He just made her a dish after all but she wanted to take a bath. But when thinking of it properly it might be proper, ever since she came to TaiChen palace she been resting inside his bedroom and never took a step outside from the room , perhaps she was being careful. She was a former general after all, not a naive fox she once was. It's an interesting development indeed. But what more important is she was safe. That's all he care about anyway, he won't repeat the same mistake he once did.

"Fine then" 

with a wave of his hand, the dish that was on his right hand disappeared. He then took her hand gently and lead her to the bath house.  The only person that ever used that was only him anyway thus it was always well decorated with jades and pearl cause he had too much of time anyway. It wasn't a long walk, but still FengJiu felt a bit awkward having her hand being held..but then the warmth sips in. And slowly she became more comfortable with it. The smell of white sandalwood from him slowly became one of her favourite scent in the morning. She can't ponder on why she was like this but she was content with the treatment he gave her.

" this really a bath house?"

her jaw dropped. She was in awe from the sight- even the entrance to the bath house was finely craved with a fine silver curling on the edge of the door like vines. The door was made from woods yet it was well decorated and painted in red. The size of the door was twice larger than a normal door that she have seen in the castle.

Once the door was pushed open a large pool came into sight. A large pool came into sight, the water was steamy and decorated with countless of flowers and herbs. Dong hua had probably prepared it long before they came or something- or perhaps it was his magic? the water was a bit murky probably due to the herbs. The silver haired immortal was already taking of his royal purple robe leaving only a thin white robe. FengJiu face turn tomato red- it's not like she wasn't used to seeing a man..naked..but a bit different! his body was ..uhm- How could one say this.. a bit too alluring even for a woman like her! she swiftly turn away but was quickly stop as Dijun casually pull her to the pool. She was still in her sleeping robe though! but the when she glance down..she was only wearing a short thin white robe that was up to her thighs! this was embarassing. She never revealed this much of skin before-

"I can take a bath myself! Y-You don't need to accompany me!"

yet Dijun ignored her anyway and sat down in the pool, it was too deep after all , roughly down to Dijun's waist.  She was placed on his lap and her face became even redder then before when they are this close. The silver haired immortal however was enjoying it very much, seeing how cute his wife is. He couldn't help but wanting to tease her more.

"what's wrong Xiao Bai?"

he whispered softly in her ears sending a shiver down her spines. His warm breath was brushing against her earlobe and it made her squeal from it.

"...Dong hua..y-you shameless!"


Finally I have an idea on how to continue it furthermore ~ thanks to everyone who continue to support me even until now.  I really appreciate ir.. And I apologize for taking my time eheh--a lot of things happen.  And for my loyal readers I decided to write some fluff this time!  Hope you guys enjoy it!

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