Chapter Twenty-two : The Little Fox Awakening

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Feng Jiu still felt a bit awkward being treated like an Empress back in the Tai Chen Palace. She was used to living alone without any servants but now..there was countless of beautiful fairies that serve under her. She wasn't used to this sort of treatment but Dong Hua AKA her self proclaimed husband still insist on it. Thus as a good WIFE, she had no choice but end up listening to him. Recently she heard about the awakening of Miao Luo, but Chong Lin caught her before she could finish listening to Dong Hua and Lian Song conversation. Thus, she didn't knew who was Miao Luo is.. and Dijun face remained stoic as ever even though Lian Song was concerned about it that his face turned pale white.

Chong Lin is Dong Hua trusted aide and he is capable of doing almost anything that Dong Hua ask- Which is quite amazing in her opinion.. because that silver hair quite handfuland she knew that very well. Chong Lin decided to take Feng Jiu on a walk instead of lingering around Dijun since the empress of Tai Chen Palace was too curious to begin with, just like a fox. Dijun does dote on her a lot that's why it becoming more worrisome since she might get into trouble without herself realizing. When he started to dwell into his thoughts he didn't realize his foot was heading to the lotus pond, which luckily there's no immortals there and then they come to an end- The Zhu Xian Tai, a weird looking pond that was engulf with darkness as an ominousair surrounds it,choking those that comes close to it. It is said if immortal were to fall into it, their soul will be shattered completely and unable to reincarnate into this world anymore thus it was a suicide place that no one would want to walk by.

Chong Lin quickly came to a stop while Feng Jiu went closer to it instead. She felt as if something was pulling her- No, it was calling to her. Chong Lin wanted to reach out for her but for some reason he was push by a powerful force that knock him out a few metres.

"it's..calling for me?"

She said as if whispering to herself, unknown to her- her right hand was already reaching out toward the Zhu Xian Tai, once her skin came into a contact to it a loud scream escape from her lips. She felt her hand was slowly burning even though there was nothing on it,while the heat keep on sipping into her body which made her scream become even louder than before releasing a strong red aura that causes the bright blue sky into a reddish one. The stars was raining down to her place causing the whole Heavenly realm to be alert of it. Even the Heaven Lord himself wasn't sure if this was a good sign..or a disaster. The stars that was raining down was absorbed by her causing her whole body to shine bright for a brief moment.

It finally came to a stop once eight red tails manifest behind her, the last one-the ninth tail finally appeared once she stood up properly and turn around to Chong Lin. Her aura was no longer mortal- before him was Bai FengJiu- the high goddess of Qing Qiu. There was only one High Goddess that exist before her which was her Aunt, the crown princess of the heavenly realm Bai Qian. High Goddess was a rare occurrence to begin with. One must undergo countless of suffering throughout their trial to become one and not many would want that despite being promoted to the highest level of god.

The sky remain red while Feng Jiu was still clad with a strong red aura,circling around her like a barrier that made Chong Lin kneel before her. He was speechless upon seeing her sudden awakening. He didn't know what he should do now but one thing for sure , she has regain her memories as a goddess and retain her mortal memories as well.

It didn't take long for the silver haired immortal to find them. He was of course, suprised seeing all of her tails but now he knows that the red aura belongs to her. A sense of relief brush on his chest, he was more concerned if something were to happen to her- he didn't care if he was the one who got hurt but not her.He rather take her pain instead.

" Xiao Bai , come here"

he said while holding his hand out to her with a small smile. Chong Lin however remain kneeling down on the floor from the pressure of her red aura when she started to walk toward him, as she fall into Dijun's embrace. Tear well up in her eyes and it stain the royal purple robe. She couldn't help it, while regaining her memories a part of her soul was also with him, which reside at the fox tail key chain that was made from her tail that was always by his side. Because of that she was able to remember all the suffering he went through for her.

How could she not feel sad from all those pain he went through? only heaven knows how it was tearing her heart to pieces seeing his blood being spill so much for her. Even when she became mortal he went to aid her despite knowing that using magic in the mortal realm could lead to a backfire of his own magic to himself yet he didn't care about it. All he ever care was her safety. She knew that he protected her well enough but guilt was starting to pile up in her chest.

"Xiao Bai..why are you crying? did something bad happen.."

He would gently lift her chin using her index finger and thumb before wiping her tears away that keep on falling down anyway. For a moment she remained silent and only her hiccup could be heard. Luckily he already set up a barrier around this terrace to avoid being seen . The barrier only shows that there was no one at the terrace and if someone tries to touch it they will be push away.

" could you sacrifice that much for me? hic... I am just a little goddess... and you are the former heaven lord...."

Dijun would raise his eyebrow for a brief moment but then realize.. she has regained her memories, but how did she knew about his sacrifice? well he can ponder on it later on, what more important was to take her away before the Heaven Lord send Ye Hua to check the Zhu Xian Tai terrace because such barrier could not stand against the crown prince of heaven of course. Thus he quickly cover her with his sleeves, changing their place to his bedroom. He would then place her on the bed to sit down while he kneel down to the floor while holding onto both of her hands gently.

" Xiao Bai calm down.."

Yet hearing his voice made her cry even louder than before however she would continue to cling to his hands and pulled it closer to her chest,raining it down with her tears.

"I-I..hic..I am sorry..hic...for making you go through all those suffering..hic"

Because she been crying for so long, it became harder for her to breath as her tails remain to sway side to side even more.

" I wouldn't mind going through it again "


"Because I love you. You are my life now, I rather suffer all over again so I would never lost you. DO you know how painful it was when people said you were dead? I could still feel you lingering around me and I was sure enough that you weren't dead. I am glad that I didn't gave up on this life"

hearing that made her happy, her heart was filled with warmth..but she couldn't stop sobbing. It was too hard, she came to love him even more now. She would then pulled him onto the bed and lay down on top of him while nuzzling her cheek against his chest ever so gently feeling his hand stroking her long raven hair.

" Please make me yours.."

She whispered softly once she stopped crying. Hearing that, he became slightly tense but her soft touch on his shoulder down to his chest made him felt something was being stirred inside him..

A desire to make her as his.


I am sorry for the late updates once again. There's a lot of thing going on in my life and some was tough for me to handle so I wasn't able to update this story much. But at least I tried to continue writing? Honestly I am thankful for those who keep on supporting this story~

And watching pillow book helps to motivate me~ I had a blast watching the drama


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