Chapter Twenty-Eight: I Swear I Say Yes

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It was no suprise how beautiful Feng Jiu is , Bai Qian maybe the prettiest goddess of all realm but Feng Jiu didn't lack anything that her Aunt have. It's hard to say who looks the best especially when Feng Jiu has matured into a beautiful woman. The woman Dijun is proud of to called as wife.

Clad in her usually red robe, Feng Jiu was busying herself to practice her sword dance. Recently she felt more inclined toward practicing sword dance, it wasn't that hard as she had always enjoyed dancing during her younger days. Besides, it was a great way to stretch her muscles before sparring with her best friend Yang Chiwu. Everyday, her moves become more and more elegant and precise without wasting any movement that can lead to an opening.

Si Ming, the star lord who was going to report to Dijun was captivated by Feng Jiu 's beauty. He didn't expect to caught the little fox in Tai Chen palace's courtyard practicing a sword dance. The way her robe fluttered from the movement was both fascinating and alluring while her long luscious hair followed every of her movement as if it was dancing with her. Words can't be used to describe how beautiful the scene was alongside the petals falling down to the ground.

Luckily there was Chong Lin , Dijun's right hand who was there to snap back Si Ming into reality. Chong Li was more worried that if it was Dijun who caught him, it would have been worst. It was no surprise that Dijun is protective over Feng Jiu.. but it is also obvious that his jealousy can go overboard as well. Otherwise he wouldn't have been petty with Yan Chiwu who is Feng Jiu best friend. Even though Feng Jiu had explained it over a thousand times.. he still get jealous over it.

Who would thought that the coldest and strongest god of all realm is quite possessive of his lover. It may be a cute sight but cleaning up his mess wasn't exactly as easy as it sounded.

Si Ming hastily walks away from the courtyard and heads toward the study place of Dijun's. Luckily it was far from Dijun's study place otherwise...


" I notice that the Queen of QingQiu has grown remarkably just like her Aunt "

Lian Song said so while flapping his fan slowly as Dijun was placing the tile on the board. As usual they were playing Go together while planning and LianSong decided to deliver gossips to Dijun instead. LianSong had always been the one delivering gossips to him even when he didn't ask him to do so. Though this time it did pique his interest after all, they were talking about his wife. Before this, Dijun never took anything he said seriously, that shows how much he didn't care about gossip among the immortals.

" Of course, Xiao Bai had always been a beauty "

" suddenly I feel like puking hearing that from you. I have known you since I was little and hearing you praise your wife in such a way.. still feels weird.. or am I dreaming.."

Dijun merely ignores his remark . He doesn't need to flex how wonderful and capable his wife is. He was going to monopolise her all for himself anyway. She belongs to him after all, and that will never change in any way.


It was already time for her to head to bed. She came back to their bedroom, exhausted. Even though she felt amazing during the day, at night it feels exhausting. It was because she had to be on guard always again Miao Luo otherwise her body would be indanger alongside with their child. But Feng Jiu will never let that happen.

Dijun told her before that since they both have red auras. They shared the same weakness. They were both knives to each other. As Miao Luo is able to invade her mind, so does Feng Jiu. However...

Dijun didn't approve of such a method .. but Feng Jiu managed to convince him after days of persuasion. It was all for their sake after all. To protect their happiness.

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