Chapter Nineteen : The Missing Heart

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It been a year since the silver haired immortal disappear. There was a huge hole that left inside her heart. When he was around she felt complete despite how annoying he was-she couldn't deny that he completed her.  Day by day she waited for him, underneath the peach blossom tree that blooms throughout the year.

Every night she would dream of him,  yet something was different about him... He appeared to be more cold than before.  The one she knows was indeed cold yet there was warmth in it...  This time it appeared she was the one who chased him,she disguised herself as a maid in his palace and did everything she could to meet him.. Yet he didn't care... Her heart was hurting.. Everything felt so real even though she would just wake up gasping for air while tears stain her robe.

Sometimes it hard to determine either  she was living in a dream or in the reality because everything she felt was too realistic. There was one time where she cut off her tail to craft an artifact for him to crave his name on the stone of three lives yet it was useless.  The pain however was unbearable - it felt like cutting off her own heart.

Again-once she woke up,  she would start to scream in the middle of the night from the pain that linger inside of her. She was a total mess when he wasn't around. The note that he left was still there,  right besides her pillow.  She held the note near her chest and cried silently to sleep hoping he would return soon. Yet he didn't....

Three days after her gruesome dreams,  Wen Chang came to visit her while giving a letter from the king himself,  saying there was a war breaking off at the border from the uproar thus FengJiu was task to take it down as soon as possible.

"but you appeared to be tired.. It wise to decline this request "

Concerns filled his eyes, he could clearly sees that FengJiu was a mess. Even though the general appeared to be calm and composed yet her eyes was red as if she had just cried. Though the general quickly brush it off and beamed him with a proud grin. Even though Wen Chang didn't know she was a girl,  she was still happy to see he was concern about her as a family despite his parents using her as a tool.

"Bah!  Don't worry!  I am the most powerful general in the history!  Such a small war will just be piece of cake!  Besides,  I haven't work out for a long time.  I need to make sure I haven't lost my touch. How about it?  Should we spar? "

Her black raven hair was tied up with a red ribbon as she stood up, holding onto the hilt of her sword,  staring into his eyes coldly which send a shiver down his spinds. He knew very well she was formidable even as they speak. FengJiu could easily take on one hundred royal guards without breaking a sweat,  how could he dare spar with the fearsome red general?

"U-Uh no thanks, my back hurts from paperworks.  If I get whoop down to the ground right now I don't think I can even survive tomorrow "

The young noble man could have swear the general infront of him was being serious for a moment but sighed in relief once she sat down again and enjoy the cup of tea that he had served along with the seasonal nuts that he bought at the street awhile ago.

In the evening,  Wen Chang went back home as FengJiu decided to fish near the river besides her home with a bamboo rod.  The river was cryatal clear that you could even see the fish in it and down to the bottom of the river,  it was so peaceful yet tomorrow she will be heading out to war, to bring victory to her nation that she served which is better than serving Wen Chang's family who never rewarded her. At least serving the king,  she was well rewarded for her effort that brings countless of victories. That sometimes she was dubbed as the Red King for being so fearsome to her enemies. There was so many tittles that she had gain throughout her years from her battles.

For dinner she had cook some sweet sour fish and a bowl of seaweed soup. She felt a bit lonely without the silver haired immortal.... Usually she would have made the portion for two but it's already been a year. Perhaps he was too busy indeed,  she couldn't blame him that. Though it will be a lie if she wasn't mad at him,  he told her, she used to be his wife yet here he is disappearing for a year without a care while she long for him. Perhaps she would give a few words of her own once he shows up.


Back in the  heaven realm,  everything was in chaos in the TaiChen palace,  the StartLord Si Ming couldn't stop walking back and forth infront of Dijun's chamber. It was too worrisome. He came back with a terrible injuries and he still haven't woke up, even though it's only been a day that he slept in,  it was still worrisome.  He was after all the most renowned gods of all,  the oldest and one of the most powerful beings in the realms.  Only a few can rival him after all,  seeing him covered in blood was extremely rare as we speak.

The King of Medicine walk out from the room with a pale face,  the Star Lord immediately walk toward him in concerned.

"It appeared Dijun went on a trial.. Or something because the burnt marks was from a holy lightning that have hurts his spiritual energy as well. One wrong move and it might have cost all of his essence and he might even fell into a slumber for a few hundred thousand of years.  Luckily,  Dijun was careful enough. He will be waking up soon but do advice him to rest. He is badly injured. "

A soft sigh escaped from Si Ming's lips.  His knees was weak that he had almost fell down flat on the floor yet he regain himself quickly infront of the King Medicine. Who knows what Dijun went through but he was lucky to be alive.. Then again it's Dijun after all,  the stone heart god that is feared by many. Everyone in the TaiChen family was forced to keep this as a secret since it might bring chaos to the heaven realm once someone were to know that Dijun was vulnerable. Even the Heaven Lord doesn't know about this.

Just when Si Ming was about to relax,  he heard a loud thud in Dijun's chamber which he quickly rush to see what had happened. It appeared Dijun was awake.. Yet he was on the floor,  gasping for air as his blood pool down on the ground. His wound was opening again while his red aura that surrounds him was out of control to the point it was hurting himself from inside causing blood to dripped down from the edge of his lips as well as fron the wounds that he have received from before.

"Dijun! "

Si Ming rushed to his side but once he was close to the silver haired immortal the aura that surrounded him end up reflecting against him harshly that he was sent flying across the room. There was a few visible cuts  on his robe but the pain was bearable...  When he tried to approached his Lord again..

"Stop,  don't come near me"

Dijun spoke softly as he clenched his fist against the floor, pushing himself to sat up.  He started to meditate to regain control over his aura which after awhile,  it finally disperse into thin air but in return more blood dripped down from his wounds yet he stood up and wiped off the blood on his pale lips.

"how long have I been asleep? "

The Star Lord couldn't believe that he was standing up from such wounds and the first thing he ask.. Was that?!

"..a day... "


The silver haired immortal storm off from the room hurriedly without a further a due. He knew very well that a day here means a year in the human world.  Hopefully she was still well,  after all he did cast a barrier to fend off demons and unholy beings around her house,  wide enough to cover until the forest next to her house.


" General,  we are waiting for your command"

There she was, ridding on a black house while she was clad in an armour that was bath in blood, yet none was hers. Her sword was thirsty for more blood and she was enjoying the sight as well,  she was after all raised like a tool. She lack common sense compare to others as a human being.

"Now then.. Let's eradicate them all"


Yaaaay I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter~ I am sorry if there's no sweet moments between Dijun and FengJiu right now

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