Chapter Thirteen: Deadly Cooking

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After last night incident ,FengJiu no longer dare to skip her classes anymore- because who knows what Dijun is planning!  She could swear to heavens that ever since she fell down into Fanyin Village, Dijun was gentle to her..well more than usual but his words still sting and he still tease her.Dijun is Dijun but a gentle Dijun is like a Dijun that is malfunction!It send shivers down her spine thinking of how gentle he treated her with such care...did he perhaps drank the wrong medicine?or did Yan Chiwu cast a spell on him..but he still treated the demon lord badly that was unlikely...

"Princess JiuGe!Princess JiuGe!"

The cousin of her friend MengShao, Jiule was sitting infront of her waving her hand infront of FengJiu who was in a daze.She had been calling her for hours but was ignored.In the end, the princess could only scoffed at her sight.

"are you perhaps lovesick?"

MengShao 's voice could be heard behind FengJiu as her face immediately flush for a brief moment before brushing it away.It seem he has successful broke her.


FengJiu huffed a bit before she propped her cheek and leaned against the small table infront of her.It was true that in her head was filled with Donghua Dijun..but she couldn't admit that! It was already troublesome that they knew he was staying in her place, if they knew that he was actually close to her who knows who might she attract this time.Being close to Dijun means making enemies with women, he was good looking so of course there were thousands of women who would want to be his queen.

"Princess Jiuge I have been calling you all this time and you ignore me.."

There was a hint of anger in her voice but her gaze was cold and emotionless but the she straighten up herself and leaned slightly closer to FengJiu.

"I am really staying at your place even though the queen had already gave him a manor?"


"oh my..I wish to meet him..he must be divine..and from the text books we already know how strong and dignified he is..You are so lucky staying with him"

FengJiu could only reply a cold looks at the princess..It's not like she wasn't used with people admiring Dijun so much...but somehow it was ticking her off..what is wrong with her? she is not someone prone to jealousy..after all Dijun didn't belong to her..and LianSong once told her that Dijun was planning to take her as his god daughter..

"what so good about that Ice Face!He is cold hearted! shameless and a terrible jerk!"

The young demon lord wasn't afraid of speaking out infront of people..but that just earned glare from others around them..except for FengJiu.The demon lord was torture when he was inside the manor for days thanks to Dijun who made his life miserable each time he came back especially if he were to go near FengJiu.

"Calm down brother,you don't want to anger people here"

FengJiu knew he was strong but this wasn't his place  and..if he gotten into a trouble it will also drag her since she is playing as his little sister.But Yan Chiwu being Yan Chiwu he keep on rambling about the things he had gone through,and most of the times it was FengJiu who saved him from Dijun..which worsen everytime she did so.

FengJiu doesn't get it as well.Was Dijun that bored that he bullied the young demon lord? but then again she usually sees him playing chest with's impossible he would torture the demon lord out of boredom...right?

Class ended early than usual.Meng Shao was concern of his friends especially Yan Chiwu so he decided to treat them lunch.Meng Shao is the prince in Fanyin Village, but he was humble and friendly.He was quite good looking but of course,couldn't be compare to Dijun who was too good to be true.He decided to treat them at the luxurious place called Zuilixian, it had gotten really famous inside the capital and the food that was serve was indeed good.But the price was quite expensive so they didn't really come here often unless they have extra money.At that time Meng Shao indeed received extra money so it wasn't a big problem for him to treat them at that place.

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