Chapter Twenty-Six: One Sacrifice for Another

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Upon knowing the hardship Dijun went through, Feng Jiu was more determined than ever! She was burning in passion to became stronger. She knew she wasn't really a great student before in her young days. She often skip classes to goof around and all. But now she was more matured than before. She knew hardship thanks to her life in the human world. She was no longer the sheltered fox that was spoiled by all. She is the Queen of Qing Qiu who is now a High Goddess. Her cultivation maybe unstable but that doesn't mean she was a foe to be look down on. However the Demon King..she was on another level. Her power despite being sealed was way stronger than she is now. She have to cultivate even more. Lucky for her, Bai Qian  her beloved aunt is the strongest high goddess alive. It won't be hard for her to learn from Bai Qian. Her aunt was known for her power and striking fear into the immortals that dare to defy her. No one besides her husband could ever overshadow her easily.

Feng Jiu knew Dijun is now busy with the Third Prince , Liang Song on coming up a better seal for the Demon King thus most of the time Feng Jiu spend her time training with her aunt.

Bai Qian was quite suprise from it, in fact she wasn't expecting her beloved niece would ever ask her to train her. As far as she know , Feng Jiu never cared about her cultivation much before. But since her beloved niece insist on doing so. She was more than happy to help- of course when she was too busy Ye Hua came to help instead.

Her Uncle-In-Law Ye Hua had always wore a cold demeanor but luckily he was good at teaching. She was able to learn more on improving her swordsmanship than ever, but of course her husband was better! but since he was too busy right now... beggars can't be a choosers. She will use whatever she can so that she would no longer be a burden!

Thanks to her intense training on improving herself , she was able to reach a higher level of cultivation to the point Miao Luo could no longer invade her mind. Her effort was paying off. She was proud of herself. She wanted to brag it to Dijun... but she haven't seen a single hair of him for a few days. How she wished he was there with her..  she knew she was being selfish, and it was sickening of her to think of it when her husband was busy saving the universe. She wanted to ram her head into a tofu instead! but it was already late at night.. perhaps she shouldn't.

She was staring blankly at the ceiling. The smell of the sandalwood fills the room, comforting her at night. It still took her awhile to fall asleep due to her previous trauma with Miao Luo. However it wasn't that bad, sometimes she would just pass out of and waking in the morning feeling refreshed..

Yet, this morning was different. She felt sick, her body was heavy and her stomach was turning inside out- Usually she would ignore this sort of things and proceed with her usual routine, eating breakfast, training with her Aunt or Uncle-In-Law and cultivate- but today she felt weak to the point she couldn't get up from the bed!

She groaned. She forced herself to sit up on the bed and it felt like she was lifting a heavy weight on her body. Her head started to throbbed in pain. She felt nauseous now. In the end.. she rested for the day instead. When the servant came to serve her breakfast, she puke. She couldn't stand the smell from the breakfast they have prepared. It was her usual breakfast yet here she was puking from the scent of it. It was odd. This has never been this bad. Was she truly sick? she wanted to call for help but felt like she would burden the others instead. 

" Perhaps it would go away soon.."

but it didn't.

For days, she suffered the same thing over and over again. All she could eat was seaweed soup- well it was better than nothing. At least she could get up from her bed now and cultivate for a bit. Strong enough to repel Miao Luo. if she was badly weaken things would have been bad. 

" Feng Jiu! I came to help you! I heard you were training hard nowadays! "

Yan Chiwu kicked the door open while huffing his chest out proudly. The Beautiful demon lord that was envy by others was none other than her close friend. Hearing his voice sooth her pain a bit as it was less lonely where there's people here. Dijun was still nowhere to be seen after all.

" Wait why do you look so pale! "

his mouth was wide open, he was in shock seeing how Feng Jiu only laying around at the study room, usually he would see her studying or so.

" uh I ate something bad "

the lies flew out from her pale lips smoothly as she gave him a small smile. The demon lord then sat at the opposite side from her as they were separate by a jade table that was usually occupied with papers that belongs to the Emperor Lord, who is her husband.

" whaaa! You should have told me! I could get you some herbs! "

a chuckle crack from Feng Jiu as she then tease him

" are you sure you wouldn't pick the wrong one instead "

Yan Chiwu would pout from it instead and started to fummed a bit. Nevertheless, he would brush it away, clearly the fox before him needed enough rest. He didn't stay too long there since he wouldn't want to get himself kick by the stoned face immortal- he always glare at him whenever he visited his friend. However today was different, there was no sign of the emperor lord lingering around at all.

" Hey where that stone face husband of yours?


She couldn't answered it.

Even she had no idea where he went, she miss him so much that her heart ache. Yet she was stuck here being sick.  Her eyesight was now blurred. Tears was starting to fell down from her cheek, staining her red robe.

" Why are you crying?! does it hurt that bad?!"

The pain was nothing compared to her longing for her husband. 

The demon lord on the other hand.. was panicking! He didn't even do a single thing today besides talking and relaxing with her - and now she is crying?! is she that sick?! his head had a thousand question was he was unsure on what to do now-

" Why is my wife crying? "

the cold voice that felt like a sharp blade piece through the room that was once filled sobs.

Dijun immediately went to his wife side and held onto her hand gently. Yan Chiwu on the other hand was slowly making his way out. There's no way Feng Jiu would be pleased if he was still there while she was sobbing on her husband. Perhaps it was best to inform her properly whenever he wish to visit instead of appearing out of nowhere like this.

" I miss much...that it hurts "

He knew he was at fault, but it was unavoidable that he was away from coming back home sooner. His gripped tight on her hand as his hand gently brushed away her hair on her face. She was a mess, yet her beauty was still divine as ever.

" at least I brought the peach you asked from before "

Feng Jiu immediately straighten up her posture as she looks at him with sparkling eyes

" where is it? "


yup his wife was craving for weird stuff that took him awhile to get it. The heavenly peach was the heavenly lord's wife favourite fruit after all- not to mention Miao Luo chasm was hindering his work.


I'm back! ~ and filled with ideas.  I will work on the next chapter soon!  Do look forward for it! 


Unless people have forgotten about me- welp-

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